San Diego Union Tribune Rates Obama WORST PRESIDENT EVER

The San Diego UT editorial board is doing a series of opeds on who they consider to be America’s worst Presidents. Guess who gets the top spot?

No solid B+ for SCOAMF from this big city newspaper.

He took office at a time when the U.S. economy was on its worst slide in 75 years, but pushed policies using borrowed money that were more meant to preserve government jobs than broadly help the private sector where the great majority of Americans work, ensuring the jobs crisis continued.

He railed against the heavy spending and big deficits of his predecessor, but blithely backed budgets that had triple the deficits ever seen in American history.

He promised a smart, sweeping overhaul of the U.S. health care system, but ended up giving us a Byzantine mess promoted to the public with myths: that offering subsidized care to tens of millions of people would save money; that people would keep their own doctors; that access to care wouldn’t change; and that rationing would never happen.

He promised a more sophisticated approach to the economy than that of his predecessor, but had so little common sense that his health law actually gave businesses a big financial incentive to discontinue providing health insurance to their employees.

He offered hosannas to genius entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs in his prepared remarks, but when speaking off the cuff betrayed his faculty-lounge view of the world, saying of businesspeople, “if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.”

He swore to bring overdue oversight and honest accounting to the corporate world, but made flagrantly dishonest claims about General Motors paying back its government loans that would have triggered a criminal fraud investigation in the private sector.

He promised to set a high new standard for ethics in the White House, but used a baffling claim of executive privilege to shield his embattled attorney general from the repercussions of a cover-up involving the death of a federal law enforcement officer.

Keep reading – they didn’t hold back.

And be sure to check out the comments just for sh*ts and giggles –  lotta Democrats messing their diapers over there.

Hat tip: Instapundit.

10 thoughts on “San Diego Union Tribune Rates Obama WORST PRESIDENT EVER

  1. And, in reality, they just scratch the surface of the misdeeds, missteps and outright criminality of this administration.


  2. This is a bunch of lies, Bush was the worst President, and everybody knows that. The only reason Pres.Obama is getting a bad rap is because he’s black.


  3. Joan, get a life….it’s not because he’s president, it’s because he isn’t qualified for the job…he speaks out of both sides of his mouth…entitlement programs are up 5% since he took office. That means YOU ARE PAYING FOR ALL THIS ADDITIONAL FREE SHIT…iT has nothing to do with his race, political choice, he just doesn’t have a clue. Talk with somebody who actually works in the government and is trying to balance the budget. At least when Bush was in office, they did try to make cuts…the ones that were made Mr. Obama put them back into effect 6 months after taking office to the tune of $65,000 a month…in my region. Retired after 36 years with the Fed. Government and after working for 8 presidents…couldn’t in good conscious put his policies in action.


  4. “He ran as a unifying force who would bring in a new era of civility and racial healing to Washington, but once in office embraced ugly, Chicago-style political hardball that saw nothing wrong with his supporters’ loathsome practice of depicting opposition to his policies as being driven by racism.

    We really can’t wait for this new era of “civility” to end.

    Are ya gettin’ me Joan???


  5. …Personally as a historian, I disagree with the publishing of this article. I don’t think one can truly rank presidents until quite a few years after their term is up. Consider that in recent polls, Nixon has moved up because people have stopped focusing on Watergate and conceded that opening trade with China was important. While I am certainly not happy with Obama, I would not, in good conscious, say he was the worst president ever…at least not yet. Looks to me like it was a slow news day and the editor wanted to sell some papers and ruffle some feathers.


  6. I suppose that in a few decades, after everyone (except the ruling elites, of course) has lived in their assigned cooperative a while and understands that everything they do is subject to intense scrutiny (like voting on who was and wasn’t a good or bad president), Mr. Obhammud will naturally start ascending to his proper place at the top of the list as the unassailably best leader EVUH!

    But in the meantime, I will make personal assessments of how I think our elected officials perform, and form judgments. And Nick, I think not only is Obama the worst president ever, I think he has to be included on any reasonable list of worst leaders in world history.

    BTW, Joan, are you calling me a raaaciiiiist because you are a racist? And did it ever occur to you that I think the president’s record stinks because it actually does stink, not because he happens to have a particular shade of skin? Would it surprise you to learn that I would feel the same way if Saint Ronald (who was neither a saint nor a traditional conservative) had tried to steal my money the way your Saint Barack does? What about “I disagree with his POLICIES” don’t you understand?

    Or are eight-letter words too long for you?


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