Dan Pfeiffer Eats Crow – Publicly Apologizes to Charles Krauthammer

The Churchill bust controversy was discussed on America Live with Megyn Kelly, earlier today, and as of airtime, there were still crickets in response to Krauthammer’s demand for an apology. Kelly had the perfect guest on to discuss the issue, Niles Gardiner, the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation. He declared that Pfeiffer should be issuing “a full, unequivocal apology”, adding later that,  “what you have here, is a White House that is constantly trying to bury the fact that it has a very strong anti-British record.”

Gardiner also made the very important point that Obama was given the option to keep the bust, but chose to send it back, which was seen as a “hugely insulting move.”  The White House, now, is saying that there was no snub at all –  they merely returned the bust when the loan was over, per “tradition”, or something..

They’re lying, as usual.

Via The White House Blog:

Yesterday following his column, I sent the following email to Charles Krauthammer. Charles asked that I make the email public and I have agreed.


I take your criticism seriously and you are correct that you are owed an apology. There was clearly an internal confusion about the two busts and there was no intention to deceive. I clearly overshot the runway in my post. The point I was trying to make – under the belief that the Bust in the residence was the one previously in the Oval Office — was that this oft repeated talking point about the bust being a symbol of President Obama’s failure to appreciate the special relationship is false.  The bust that was returned was returned as a matter of course with all the other artwork that had been loaned to President Bush for display in his Oval Office and not something that President Obama or his Administration chose to do. I still think this is an important point and one I wish I had communicated better.

A better understanding of the facts on my part and a couple of deep breaths at the outset would have prevented this situation.  Having said all that, barring a miracle comeback from the Phillies I would like to see the Nats win a world series even if it comes after my apology


Dan Pfeiffer

Notice how his first weaselly instinct was to make the apology in private. Fortunately, Krauthammer demanded full vindication.

Charles Krauthammer responded today on Special Report:

On Special Report, Krauthammer reacted to the apology saying, “Well I must say it’s a gracious apology. I was stunned; I didn’t expect it to happen. I actually wrote in my column that I thought the Nationals would win the World Series before I’d see an apology, so now I suppose the Nationals are going to win the World Series. But it’s a gracious apology, they’re still clinging to a tiny point on this, but the argument is over and I appreciate the correction and retraction.”

Video here.

My own theory as to why this happened discounts the idea that there was “internal confusion” in the White House over the two Churchill busts. They always knew the truth, but it was time to invent a new narrative to replace the deadly ‘Obama’s anti-Brit’ narrative that took root after he returned the bust. Depending on the sad fact that Americans have short memories,  they put up a post pointing out that there was still a Churchill Bust in the White House residence, (the one that had been there for fifty years) and feigned ignorance about the Oval Office bust because you see, the loan had “expired”.  The returning of the bust was simply a small matter someone on the transition team handled, so White House bigwigs completely forgot about it.  Never mind that it caused a firestorm in the British media and in conservative US media, and was considered by many to be a serious,  early misstep.

They forgot all about it!!!!

Ain’t buying it Skippy.

The truth will be whatever the Obama team wants it to be – especially this election year.


Niles Gardiner, the Telegraph: Churchill bust debacle: ‘amateurish’ Obama White House remains firmly in denial over snub to Britain

The Foundry: The White House Attack Machine Backfires

Hat tip: NRO Media Blog

Michell Malkin: Lying Obama press flack apologizes to Krauthammer over Churchill bust story

Lesson, once again:

When you ignore false narratives, you lose. When you fight back fast and hard, the truth can and will out.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

As Media Jackals Hound Romney in Poland, a Star is Born (Video)

Charles Dharapak/AP

Okay, I’m a little late to this story because I’ve been too busy to blog, today, so even though you’ve  already heard about this,  I’m going to have to get some licks in myself. (Thank you for bearing with me.)

Apparently, the journolisting left-wing media is trying to turn their own disgraceful behavior near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Poland  into a gaffe for the Romney campaign:

What you can’t quite make out at the end of the tape was Romney’s traveling press secretary’s furious response:

“Kiss my ass; this is a holy site for the Polish people,” said aide Rick Gorka. “Show some respect.”

Gorka then told a reporter to “shove it.”

Gorka subsequently called a pair of reporters to apologize, saying he lost his cool.

As John Nolte aptly pointed out,  this media ambush was designed to be a lose lose for Romney:

What this gaggle of locusts did do, though, was to obnoxiously shout, scream, and holler questions from Pilsudski Square — just a hundred yards from where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is laid. And there really should be a law that requires crybaby left-wingers to actually kiss an ass after doing something so craven and disrespectful.

The media’s behavior was childish and disrespectful, but most of all it was obviously an organized attempt to “create a moment” designed to hurt Romney by furthering The Narrative that his trip overseas has only been made up of gaffes.

Even if the Romney guy hadn’t popped off, if you watch the video of the moment (below) what you see is a conspiracy playing out where a gang of Obama-supporters disguised as journalists attempt to embarrass Romney by hurling shrill questions about what they perceive to be gaffes.

To me, this was another Joe Wilson moment. Back in September, 2009, just when you didn’t think you could stand another insufferable speech from the Liar in Chief spewing his obvious  lies about ObamaCare, one man stood up and said “You lie!!!”,becoming an instant hero to the right.

Rick Gorka’s “Kiss my A$$” to the Obama-loving media is the new “YOU LIE”.

A guy who says, “kiss my ASS” right to the faces of the journolisters who are doing everything they can to stack the deck against our candidate, is my hero.

Yes, Gorka would later apologize for his “inappropriate” comments”, just as Joe Wilson eventually did, but after watching that tape, I’m sure few Americans would find fault with Gorka for exploding.

As @iowahawkblog deadpanned: “If there’s anything the American public won’t abide, it’s someone who insults screaming reporters and Palestinians.”


“What about your gaffes?” That was some reporter’s idea of a question? “Do you have a statement for the Palestinians?”

Why would Romney have a statement for the perpetually outraged Palestinians? How about this: “lighten up, Frances.”

Those weren’t serious questions –  those were journolisting media jackals heckling the big bad Republican, Occupy style. It wasn’t long ago that occupiers were  hounding the Republican candidates at their events throughout the primaries… They shouted similarly obtuse questions and slogans at the candidates… Similar tactics. Similar goals. The only thing missing, here,  was a mic check.

More must read Nolte, today: Ugly Americans: To Justify Appalling Behavior, Media Distorts Romney’s Overseas Press Availability

Question: Which is worse? Screaming shrill, partisan questions in a sacred place or being told to kiss an ass for doing so?

Less than a hundred yards from Poland’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and in obvious coordination with one another, the media conspired to fabricate a gaffe to feed their insatiable anti-Romney narrative about his overseas trip.

What we’re seeing now is that in order to justify their screaming of shrill, partisan questions within throwing distance of a sacred place (talk about epitomizing the Ugly American stereotype), the media is now lying through an act omission by fabricating the idea that this was all Romney’s fault because he refused to make himself available to the media.

and Politico Exposes Romney Press Corps as Partisan, Petty, and ‘Bitter’

Even though consumer spending dipped again today and we just learned that 60,000 crimes have been committed by illegals Obama refused to deport, if Their Precious One is going to get reelected, the corrupt media knows it must ignore all of that and do everything in its power to keep the blistering spotlight on Mitt Romney. This is why, this morning in Poland, our Ugly American media disrespected Poland’s war dead in order to fabricate a Romney “gaffe.”

And be sure to check out Ace’s: New Dance Smash, Presstitutes (“What About Your Gaffes?”)

There’s another one at the link.


Rush’s take via The Daily Rushbo: Reporters Are Harassing Romney, Trying To Create Gaffes. On Behalf Of Obama:

He also said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for all intents and purposes endorsed Obama: .Rush: Romney’s Trip Has Been So Successful Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Endorsed Obama:


The Jawa Report: Is the White House Orchestrating Lies About Romney? I’d Bet On It:

I find this all too coincidental.

First, the White House accuses Charles Krauthammer — and, by extension Mitt Romney — of being a liar. When caught, they double down and use the “fake but accurate” defense. But when that didn’t pass the smell test the White House was forced to apologize.

Remember, the real attack here was not aimed at Krauthammer, it was squarely at Mitt who, while abroad, had brought up the Churchill statue.

So, the White House calls Mitt a “liar” when, in fact, it’s the White House that lied.

Keep reading….

Linked by Doug Ross, and Michelle Malkin, thanks!

Chicago churches find common ground with Chick-fil-A

Chicago churches, irked at Rahm Emanuel’s stance on Chick-fil-A, are siding with the purveyor deluxe, char grilled, and spicy fast food.

Must those whose personal values do not conform to those of the government of the day move from the city,” George wondered. “Is the City Council going to set up a ‘Council Committee on Un-Chicagoan Activities’ and call those of us who are suspect to appear before it? ( Cardinal Francis George, Archdiocese of Chicago)

When it comes down to family values Chicagoans are not looking to city leaders for guidance. The excess exposure of post modern family groups have once again turned the perception of what is decent upside down.  Churches also have a big pulpit and they are starting to push back.  Read More on Fox News

August 1 has been declared Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day to show support for traditional marriage

Mr Nicedeb


GOP Report Names Five ATF Officials Responsible for Fast and Furious

Graphic via My Gun Culture, Click to enlarge.

Fast and Furious, the fatally flawed  operation that allowed  2,500  guns to walk across the border into the hands of Mexican drug cartel killers, began in fall 2009 and was only  halted after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in December 2010. Approximately 300 Mexicans were killed or wounded by Operation Fast and Furious guns, which have been found in the vicinity of at least 200 crime scenes.

In a final report likely to be released later this week, Republican congressional investigators have concluded that five senior ATF officials are responsible for the failed operation that they say was “marred by missteps, poor judgments and inherently reckless strategy.” The five managers are highlighted in bold type, in the paragraphs below.

Richard Serrano at The LA Times has the exclusive report:

The five ATF managers, since moved to other positions, have either defended Fast and Furious in congressional testimony or refused to discuss it. They could not be reached for comment Monday. At the Justice Department, senior officials, including Holder, have steadfastly maintained that Fast and Furious was confined to the Arizona border region and that Washington was never aware of the flawed tactics.

The joint staff report, authored by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, was highly critical of the ATF supervisors.

They found that William Newell, the special agent-in-charge in Phoenix, exhibited “repeatedly risky” management and “consistently pushed the envelope of permissible investigative techniques.” The report said “he had been reprimanded … before for crossing the line, but under a new administration and a new attorney general he reverted back to the use of risky gunwalking tactics.”

His boss, Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations William McMahon, “rubber stamped critical documents that came across his desk without reading them,” the report alleged. “In McMahon’s view it was not his job to ask any questions about what was going on in the field.”

They added that McMahon gave “false testimony” to Congress about signing applications for wiretap intercepts in Fast and Furious.

His supervisor, Mark Chait, assistant director for field operations, “played a surprisingly passive role during the operation,” the report said. “He failed to provide oversight that his experience should have dictated and his position required.”

Above Chait was Deputy Director William Hoover, who the report said ordered an exit strategy to scuttle Fast and Furious but never followed through: “Hoover was derelict in his duty to ensure that public safety was not jeopardized.”

And they said Melson, a longtime career Justice official, “often stayed above the fray” instead of bringing Fast and Furious to an “end sooner.”

But, the investigators said, ATF agents said that they were hamstrung by federal prosecutors in Arizona from  obtaining criminal charges for illegal gun sales, and that Melson “even offered to travel to Phoenix to write the indictments himself. Still, he never ordered it be shut down.”

This is just the first of three final reports that investigators say will deal with “the devastating failure of supervision and leadership” at the DOJ and an “unprecedented obstruction of the  investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the attorney general himself.”

Shameless and brazen Democrats have demonstrated that they are willing  to circle the wagons for this most corrupt of Attorney Generals so it looks highly unlikely, at this point, that he will step down, or be forced to step down before the election.

After all, Holder has a very important role to play, this year, IYKWIMAITYD.

Hat tip: Hot Air

Linked by Doug Ross and Michelle Malkin, thanks!