Reince Priebus: The President is Behind Harry Reid’s Tax Smear (Video)

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus joined Greta Van Susteren on On The Record, Monday night to talk  the Obama camp’s smashmouth politics. Right off the bat, Reince managed to squeeze in a reference to today’s bombshell news that Obama adviser,  David Plouffe got $100K from a company that aids Iranian repression, and he suggested “Detective Reid” look into that, instead of Mitt’s taxes. But of course there are oh-so many things a detective would find fascinating about Obama.

Priebus,  not backing away from his fighting words, “Harry Reid is a dirty liar”, asserted that the President is behind Harry Reid’s spurious attacks on Romney, echoing what Romney surrogate, John Sununu said earlier today also on Fox.

Reince has really “upped his game” as the President would say — I really like what I’ve been seeing from him.

He’s a keepeh.

4 thoughts on “Reince Priebus: The President is Behind Harry Reid’s Tax Smear (Video)

  1. Of course Obama/ White House are behind that line Reid cast. Just look at the reporting of it the last three days. Major outlets are backing off and questioning it now, yesterday the WH says Reid is on his own. This is coordinated.


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