Prelude to a Shellacking

Photo credit: alexnbcnews

Earlier this month, I asked: Is A Chick Fil A Style Revolution Coming This November?

You don’t see this in the corrupt polls that over-sample Democrats. You don’t see this in the ObaMedia coverage of the campaigns, which try to paint Romney as an elite, gaffe prone tax cheat. After nearly four years of Obama’s corrupt crony-Socialist/fascist thugocracy, Americans have had it. They will take Romney, warts in all.


Rush, reveling in the Chick Fil A revolution earlier this week, said that it was a taste of what we will be seeing in November:

“So on August 1st, the Chick-fil-A revolution supporting the right to voice your religious beliefs and August 1st also the beginning of Obamacare mandating that religious institutions violate their religious beliefs by providing birth control and drugs that facilitate abortion against their religious beliefs,” Limbaugh said.   “August 1st, what a profound day in history.”

Limbaugh added that it was only a taste of the election response in November.

“There is an explosion waiting to happen in this country.  People are fed up, and this is a sign,” he said. “I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen on November 6th. Obama’s gonna get Chick-fil-A’d himself.”

More along those lines from Wayne Allyn Root at Fox News, Obama — what the mainstream media is missing:

The mainstream media still doesn’t get it. They are too busy trying to make a big issue out of Romney telling the truth about the London Olympics and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It really is hilarious. The lamestream media is truly clueless.

They think Romney’s tax returns are a big issue, while real people just don’t care. As a matter of fact this Vegas oddsmaker will bet real money that far more Americans care about Obama’s mysterious past — including his birth certificate, Social Security number, and sealed college records — than Romney’s tax returns.

Please don’t cringe at the mention of Obama’s birth certificate. A much larger number of Americans question Obama’s bona fides than his palace guards want to admit, and Obama and his acolytes’  fake umbrage over Mitt’s “birther joke” the other day was pretty hysterical to watch – especially in light of the fact that the Obama Campaign Requested Birther Jokes, and Mitt, being a good sport,  simply obliged.

It reminds me of  the faux outrage that came out of the Obama camp  in 2008 whenever someone made the “mistake” of mentioning Obama’s Muslim middle name, {{{Hussein}}}. The hapless John McCain “apologized profusely” after radio host Bill Cunningham introduced Obama at an event in Cincinnati three times as “Barack Hussein Obama.”

By 2009 he was Barack Hussein Obama – “mmmm mmmm mmmm!”  But in 2008 he was Barack Hussein Obama “nuh-uh-uh… dare you! Raaaaaacist!”

The left only has temper tantrums like that when they feel politically vulnerable.

As I mentioned in my post on August 3, Jack Wheeler thought he was seeing inklings of a CULTURAL REVOLUTION OF THE RIGHT:

Romney, I am becoming more and more convinced, is going to win in a landslide.  The latest indication is Ted Cruz’s blowout Tea Party win in Texas on Tuesday (7/31).  Zero will be lucky to carry a dozen states.  His loss will be a mortal blow to the Left’s cultural dominance.

It will take a long time to complete a conservative “march through the institutions,” but in November 2012 it will begin.  In truth, it began yesterday with a million folks eating a chicken sandwich.

That was before Mitt added Paul Ryan to the ticket. Now, more have joined the chorus…

John Nolte chimed in Saturday at Big Government with: Story the Media Won’t Tell: Obama Is Losing.

Marveling at  the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio,  to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, he said:

Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a “deliberate” desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we’ve all come to know and grow tired of.

Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side’s crowds.

Meanwhile, across the country, the documentary film “2016” has just opened wide on over 1,000 screens and in the heart of Hollywood’s biggest season hit #3 at the box office.

Meanwhile, though their Media Palace Guards assure us this is not the case, the Obama campaign’s increasingly desperate and shrill campaign is acting more and more like a campaign so far behind and so in fear of losing, they feel they have nothing to lose. From “felon” to “chains” to “Mitt killed my wife” to one bald-faced lie after another, President Obama has forsaken the dignity of the office and — should he win a second term —  all hope of bringing the country together after the kind of scorched-earth campaign only the terrified wage.

Meanwhile, the media is behaving in a manner no less shrill and desperate than their Presidential Master. When the unemployment rate increases, the media tells us that’s a good thing. When the economy shrinks from 4.1 to 1.5%, the media still call it “the recovery.” When an idiot in Missouri says something stupid about rape and abortion, the media launches into a week-long narrative accusing Republicans of being soft on rape.

There are a few more meanwhiles, but the bottom line is:

What’s happening is on the ground and not yet quantifiable in polling that doesn’t yet have its sea legs. But it’s out there and it’s real and before the media and President Obama are forced to acknowledge it, they’re spending every bit of their dignity and credibility and integrity to kill it.

Red State’s Erick Erickson senses it too.

Oh, what does Erickson sense?: Not the Behavior of a Winning Campaign, that’s what:

Few, if any, have pointed out that Barack Obama’s abortion on demand position is extreme. Few, if any, have pointed out how most Americans favor restrictions on abortion. Few, if any, have pointed out that Mitt Romney’s position is actually more mainstream than Barack Obama’s. Few, if any, have wanted to go beyond Politifact’s ham-handed cover for Obama on infanticide and get into what Barack Obama actually said in 2002. Hear him come out for infanticide yourself right here. Remember, the media is hiding behind the left-leaning Politifact (and yes, it does lean left) to avoid having to deal with this.

They cannot help themselves. But why are they doing it?

They are doing it for the exact same reason Joe Biden is claiming the GOP will put black people back in chains and why Barack Obama would rather talk about uteri than jobs ? they all know Barack Obama is losing this thing.

Hysteria creeps into campaigns when the campaigns know they are losing. When George H. W. Bush saw the election slipping away in 1992, he took to referring to Bill Clinton and Al Gore as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The invective went up as his poll numbers went down.

Barack Obama and the Democrats are going to throw in the towel on the tradition of sitting on the sidelines during their opponent’s political convention. In the past, the parties did this with each other. Not now. The Obama campaign cannot afford to. It is too close and polling is about to shift from registered voters to likely voters, which will generate negative numbers for him. He must surrender another tradition to engage in more hyper partisan mudslinging because he is losing.

Speaking of desperate hysterics, the Democrats, still running on their phony, plastic banana “war on women” narrative, are reportedly turning their convention into an “abortion festival”:

…the Democrats on Wednesday announced that three starlets of the pro-choice movement will be featured at the convention, an event that will now drive the liberal charge that the Republicans are anti-women.Democrats said that they will feature Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parent Action Fund, Nancy Keenan, president of the NARAL Pro-Choice America and Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University student whose plea for federal birth control funding drew the ire–and a subsequent apology–from Rush Limbaugh.

To grasp just how full of fail this idea is in a country that leans pro-life, check out the abysmal showing at the much ballyhooed “We Are Woman” rally at the Capitol, last week, where some of the women dressed as vaginas.

Representatives of Code Pink, NOW, Planned Parenthood and Rock the Slut Vote were scheduled to speak on the west lawn of the Capitol, addressing the issues of reproductive rights, equal pay and the Equal Rights Amendment.

Sorry ladies, the vajayjay just isn’t going to be the defining issue of the 2012 campaign.

But the Obama Campaign just won’t let it go –  now it has released a video called Republican Women For Obama, which features four or five women who claim to be Republicans, or to have been Republicans until recently. Two  of the women have now been identified as hard-core leftists.

John Hinderaker made the discovery:

But, of course, they are appalled by Mitt Romney–it is hard to say why, apart from a couple of discreet references to abortion, but did they really just now figure out that the Republican Party is pro-life? The ad is surprisingly ineffective, but it is also dishonest. At least one of the women who pose as “Republican women for Obama” is a long-time Democrat.

Her name is Maria Ciano, and BuzzFeed finds that she has been a registered Democrat in Colorado at least since 2006.

Right, she’s a “lifelong Republican” who happens to like (on Facebook):

* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Being Liberal
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic Party

I’ve had similar “lifelong Republicans” comment here at Nice Deb, fooling no one. We call them, “concern trolls” because they’re always so concerned about “Republican extremism”. Obama’s pathetic Republican Women for Obama commercial was just another example of Axelrodian astroturfing at its least convincing. Hinderaker was right to be suspicious, and we should all savor the moment as another one of the left’s worn out Alinsky tactics blows up in their faces..

Hinderaker notes:

Ms. Ciano’s Facebook page also reveals that she was part of a small group that met with Michelle Obama when Mrs. Obama was in Colorado on August 11, presumably indicating that she has some stature in the Obama campaign.

So obviously, neither Maria Ciano nor her mother Delia is a “Republican woman” who is crossing over or changing her mind to vote for Obama. How about the others in the ad? We will report anything further we can find out.

It is sheer desperation on the Obama campaign’s part that is leading to these unforced errors, which brings me to another recent post of mine – Why Obama Has No Intention of Losing This November.

I have to confess I have a nagging fear about the upcoming election. Even though all indications point to Romney winning in November, I worry that the usurper currently in office has no intention of leaving and will be manipulating events to keep himself in place. Whether through dirty tricks, voter fraud, a Wag the Dog scenario, civil unrest leading to martial law, or a combination of all of those things, Bam is planning on staying.

Tyrants don’t go quietly.

Obama tells his audiences that he’s not through transforming the nation into…..whatever it is that he’s trying to turn it into. But beyond that, there is another powerful motive for him to cling to power.

Think about it. If Mitt manages to triumph in November – if we are able to cleanse the executive branch of the filthy commies who have taken root there, the aftermath will look a lot worse than it did when the Clintonistas left in 2001. That flurry of last minute pardons by the outgoing Clinton ( aided by Holder), the  vandalism to the White House by outgoing staffers as well as the the missing White House artifacts pale in comparison to what we would see in the wake of an Obami expulsion.

The slimy residue that will be left behind by this current crew will result in not only massive scandals but possibly prison terms when the extent of the treachery becomes known.

That’s the reason we can expect even more  desperate, hysterical, hyper partisan mudslinging and dirty tricks from Obama and his cronies from now until election day –  they can’t lose.


Powerline: The outside story of the Obama campaign:

There is a certain quality to the Obama campaign. Howie Carr captures it this morning in “Be afraid, be very afraid of RNC (say the Dems).” The whole constellation of alleged crime, rapine, murder, and felony murder goes over the top. It reeks of desperation. And this is just for openers. The authors of the campaign are trying to fight their way out of a hole.

Obama’s stump speech this time around is also off in tone. It lectures. It hectors. It whines. Toby Harnden derides the Obama campaign as “a joyless slog.” Andrea Tantaros observes its “relentless negativity.”

Obama makes one thing perfectly clear, as Richard Nixon used to say. It ain’t morning in America, and it’s not getting better any time soon.

The Obama campaign gives us a jumble of falsity. Yuval Levin takes apart the campaign’s latest Medicare ad. Grace-Marie Turner adds “More Obamacare fiction.”

Keep reading.

They are trawling for the mentally ill vote, now because whoever actually believes this is insane…Doug Powers: Obama: The Republicans might even ban birth control!

Linked by Michelle Malkin, Adrienne, Pirate’s Cove, DaTechGuy and Theo Spark, thanks!

Saturday Movie Matinee: 2016 Obama’s America

: 2016: Obama’s America – Trailer 1:

Love him or hate him, you don’t know him
In over 1,000 theatres this weekend… locations can be found here…

2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA Dinesh D’Souza’s Movie with Glenn Beck on GBTV:

2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA Movie by Dinesh D’Souza with Glenn Beck: For Dinesh’s Books “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” & “Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream”

2016 Obama’s America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the worlds most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man’s past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, “If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?”


Deadline Hollywood:Anti-Obama Docu Expands To #3 Friday; Other Newcomers & Holdovers Weak B.O.; Only ‘The Expendables 2′ Can Break $10M

FRIDAY 7:30 PM UPDATE: As predicted Millenium/Lionsgate’s The Expendables 2 will finish in first place Friday and this weekend. It’s followed by Universal’s The Bourne Legacy in second place and the Rocky Mountain Pictures’ documentary 2016 Obama’s Legacy in third place. That’s  stunning because it’s playing in a 1/3 less theaters across North American than the other wide release actioners.

Movie Reviews:

Stacy on the Right: Movie Review: 2016 Obama’s America:

Hillbuzz: 10 Reasons You Need to See “2016: Obama’s America” TODAY

The Hope And The Change – Official Movie Trailer:

The surprising personal journeys of 40 Democrats and Independents from across America who supported Obama in 2008. Available NOW on DVD.

: Romney’s Birth Certificate Comments & National Debt Analyzed:

The Obama Campaign and Main Stream Media’s harsh response to Mitt Romney’s Birth Certificate comment while campaigning in Michigan, is a front and center issue, along with our National Debt as it approaches the $16 Trillion mark. These issues are analyzed by the Fox News “All-Star” Panel (Hosted by FNC’s Bret Baier) comprised of: Steve Hayes — Senior Writer for the Weekly Standard; Charles Lane — Washington Post; and Charles Krauthammer — Syndicated Columnist.

As always – all eyes and ears on Krauthammer who makes the best points – honorable mention to Steve Hayes for slamming team Obama for their rank hypocrisy.


I laughed so hard I cried…

Poor guy – bless his heart.

Schnitt You Built That Business, But Barack Says No:

Todd Schnitt’s Parody of “We Built This City” by Starship. For listener use only. Not for broadcast. Follow Schnitt on Twitter –

: You Didn’t Build That:

Most Arrogant Man in the World:

Donate here to help get this ad on the air.

I love this ad by the NRCC hitting Utah Democrat, Tim Matheson for the sin of voting with Obama…

Via The Salt Lake Tribune:

The National Republican Congressional Committee launched its air assault against Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, on Friday using two-year-old footage from a state Democratic Convention where the congressman noted his support for the economic stimulus bill.

The 30-second spot hits Utah stations today and runs through the week, costing $250,000. It is part of an early wave of ads that will only increase in intensity as Election Day approaches.

PJTV: Legitimate Issue: Should Akin Abort Run for US Senate?

Missouri Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) is struggling for his political life after making comments about rape, abortion and miscarriage. He is finding few friends in the GOP and some are encouraging him to drop out of the race. Will Akin drop out of the race? Should he? Find out on this Trifecta.

Via Gateway Pundit: Todd Akin Presser- He’s In!!


Jim Hoft was there for the press conference, and says:

They asked Todd Akin supporters to stand up front to show support. Six people stood up.
Only six!

Via Gateway Pundit: Mitt Romney: If Your Child Gets on Honor Roll… Don’t Thank the Bus Driver:

R/R in Ohio, today:

See The Right Scoop for: FULL SPEECH: Watch Romney and Ryan rally in Ohio with HUGE crowds


New Zeal: New Film “The Unvetted” Exposes Obama’s Communist Cover-up:

Right Side News

A new film from America’s Survival, Inc. documents what journalist Cliff Kincaid calls “one of the most extraordinary cover-ups in American history –how a presidential candidate with a covert connection to a major Communist Party operative was protected by the major liberal and conservative media.” Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) and recently held a Washington, D.C. conference on “The Vetting” of Barack Obama. The 30 minute film The Unvetted is available for viewing for free at the ASI YouTube channel.

“Four years after we broke the story wide open with the release of a 600-page FBI file on Barack Obama’s communist mentor, we are still finding major elements of the media with their heads in the sand,” Kincaid said, in announcing the official release of the new film. Kincaid is a veteran Washington journalist with more than 30 years of experience.

In my humble opinion, The Unvetted is probably the most accurate exposition on Obama out there right now. Dinesh D’Souza’s discovery of Obama’s anti-colonialism is only one piece of the puzzle, and relies too heavily on the influence of Obama’s (alleged) Kenyan father whom he barely knew and met only once.