Rumor Mill: Our New VP Will Be Paul Ryan – Announcement Coming 9:00 a.m.Tomorrow UPDATE: Make that 8:45 UPDATE II: AP: It’s Ryan

You’ll get no argument out of me. I’ve been on the Paul Ryan bandwagon since March of 2010, but of course, back then I was hoping it would be Paul Ryan for President.

Now voices on Twitter are saying,  #GiveUsRyan, and it looks like the Romney campaign is getting ready to oblige…this weekend.

Yesterday, Daniel Halper of  the Weekly Standard, reported what he considered a hint of things to come in the way Romney answered a question on NBC:  “What do you want your [running mate] selection to say about what kind of president you’re going to be?”

The Republican presidential candidate replied, “I don’t think I have anything for you on the VP running mate other than I certainly expect to have a person that has strength of character, vision for the country, that adds something to the political discourse about the direction of the country. I happen to believe this is a defining election for America, that we’re going to be voting for what kind of America we’re going to have.”
Today, via AoSHQ:

Geraghty explains how to know who’s been selected as Veep.

2) The campaign plane will make an unexpected stop, or the campaign will charter a flight from a particular location to a campaign event in a swing state.[Example:] Another rumor has a chartered plane from Alaska landing a while ago near Dayton, Ohio. If true, that could mean McCain’s selection could be an outside-the-box game-changer: picking Alaska’s first female governor, Sarah Palin, a 44-year-old mother of five and political maverick in her own right, who went against her state’s GOP establishment in recent years to drive a series of reforms through.

Now see Costa.

Take note, veep watchers: Earlier today, a charter plane took off in Boston, stopped in Chicago, then flew to the tiny airport in Janesville, Wis. Janesville, of course, is the hometown of Representative Paul Ryan, a top vice-presidential contender. According to a source on the ground, the plane is still in Wisconsin.Tomorrow morning, Mitt Romney will visit the U.S.S. Wisconsin in Norfolk, Va. For what it’s worth, Ryan is scheduled to be on vacation in Colorado.

Fox News is reporting as I type, that Romney will make his announcement, tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern.
For those of you trembling in fear about the mediscare tsunami that is  going to be raining down on the pair, this Fall, Rich Lowry has calming words:

The Democrats’ assault over Medicare will be ferocious — not to mention lowdown and dishonest. Hell, they’ve already all but accused Romney of killing someone, and they haven’t even gotten around to Medicare. When the barrage starts, Romney won’t be able to duck and cover or look at his shoes. He’ll have to win the argument — or at least hold his own.

This is the broader point. Romney has to carry the argument to President Barack Obama. The state of the economy alone isn’t enough to convince people that Romney has better ideas to create jobs. Neither is his résumé. Romney needs to make the case for his program, and perhaps no one is better suited to contribute to this effort than Ryan.

Ryan is an ideologue in the best sense of the term. He is motivated by ideas and knows what he believes and why. But he’s not blinkered. He is an explainer and a persuader.

Before there was a House-passed Ryan budget, there was Ryan meeting with Republican freshmen, walking them through the numbers and convincing them that true fiscal restraint was impossible without addressing entitlements. When the House took up and passed his budget, there was Ryan plugging for it — as comfortable with Charlie Rose as Rush Limbaugh.

On top of Medicare, worried Republicans fear Romney becoming too identified with House Republicans. But anyone looking at Ryan for two minutes will realize he runs completely counter to the stereotype of the wild-eyed, bomb-throwing House Republican. He is invariably civil, sure-footed and good-natured. He never loses his cool, even under extreme provocation. If anything, he is over-earnest.

Exactly right. The point is – they are going with the Mediscare play no matter who Mitt picks. So who better for the VP slot than the guy who is most qualified to debate the issue?
Demagogues don’t scare Ryan. They just disappoint him.
This unsolicited Ryan for President video was created by a Ryan admirer from Ohio. Just substitute “President” with “Vice President”:


Hot Air: Breaking: Romney to announce VP pick tomorrow at 9 8:45 am:


AP: Republican official: Romney chooses Paul Ryan for running mate.

NBC: Campaign Sources Say Ryan Is Romney VP Pick: NBC News:

Campaign sources indicate that Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is Mitt Romney’s vice presidential pick, NBC News reported Friday night.

This video by appeared on YouTube a few days ago : Our New Vice President…………. PAUL RYAN!!

Our New Vice President, Paul Davis Ryan was born January 29, 1970 and was raised in the Wisconsin town of Janesville.

He is the youngest child of Elizabeth A. “Betty” (née Hutter) and Paul Murray Ryan, a lawyer He is of Irish and German ancestry, and is a fifth-generation Janesville native. Ryan’s great-grandfather is Patrick William Ryan, who founded the Ryan Incorporated Central construction business in 1884. Ryan’s mother is an outdoors enthusiast who led her husband and four children (Ryan’s sister Janet and two brothers, Tobin and Stan) on regular hiking and skiing trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. As a boy, Ryan attended Camp Manito-wish YMCA, a wilderness canoe tripping camp located in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin; while in college, he returned there to work as a staff member and counselor during summer vacation. Ryan graduated from Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville in 1988. He was voted prom king by his fellow classmates. In college, he briefly worked for Oscar Mayer as a Wienermobile driver. Ryan went on to graduate from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a BA in economics and political science in 1992. He also studied at the Washington Semester program at American University and was a member of the Delta Tau Delta social fraternity. Following his studies, Ryan briefly returned to Wisconsin and worked as a marketing consultant for an earth-moving company run by a branch of his family.


Re-ax from a Kos Kiddie –  Mitt had finally found a way to deflect attention away from his super secret  tax returns, and by the way — choosing Ryan is terrible news – that’s why Romney’s trying to hide it by leaking it on a Friday night news dump. (?!)

No link for these fruitcakes.

Introducing the Committee to End Medicare: Romney-Ryan 2012

Huffington Post and NBC News are reporting that Mitt Romney will name Paul Ryan when he announces his vice presidential candidate tomorrow morning in Norfolk, Virginia. Although their reports aren’t as definitive, Politico and The Weekly Standardall say that Ryan appears to be Romney’s pick.So I guess that means Mitt Romney has finally figured out a way to deflect attention from his secret tax returns, for at least a day or two, anyhow. On the other hand, the thing everyone is going to be talking about instead is the fact that he just picked as his running mate the architect of the GOP’s plan to end Medicare as we know it. In other words, Mitt Romney is still the gift that keeps on giving.

Fri Aug 10, 2012 at 9:30 PM PT (kos): This pick tells us several things. One, Romney considers it terrible news since he’s delivering the news in a late Friday Night News Dump. And two, he’s more concerned with winning his base than he is in winning in November.

Only question left is, when will Ryan release his tax returns?

No, you piker, the question is how many deaths has Paul Ryan caused? And how many more deaths will he cause by “ending medicare as we know it”.

Geez. Get with the program.

Linked by The Other McCain, thanks!

Video: Politifact Fail: Obama Did Gut Welfare – Pols Who Crafted Welfare Reform Law Explain How

The Romney ad dinging Obama for gutting the successful welfare reform law of the 90s has libs hyperventilating, and fact checkers working overtime to protect Dear Leader. PolitiFact rated the adPants on Fire“.

Romney’s ad says, “Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.” That’s a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs — HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law. The ad tries to connect the dots to reach this zinger: “They just send you your welfare check.” The HHS memo in no way advocates that practice. In fact, it says the new policy is “designed to improve employment outcomes for needy families.” The ad’s claim is not accurate, and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!

According to the men who helped craft the bill, the assessment that “the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them” sounds more like wishful thinking than “fact”. Wednesday morning, the RNC put former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich on a conference call with reporters.

As Clinton’s GOP counterpart during the 1990s welfare debate, Gingrich had high praise for the former president while heaping disdain on Obama, whom he dubbed ‘‘the anti-Clinton.’’

Gingrich suggested that the Obama administration’s waiver program is illegal because it would allow Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to relax some restrictions spelled out in a section of the law that Republicans contend is protected from such waivers.
However, Sebelius says she has a legal opinion from department attorneys that says waivers are allowed to test if state experiments would improve the program.
Gingrich said that’s exactly what you’d expect to hear from liberals trying to undermine welfare reform by stealth.
He called Sebelius ‘‘a radical’’ and dismissed views of former GOP aide Haskins, saying, ‘‘I was sorry that he has such a lack of imagination.’’
The administration says its waiver plan was prompted by interest from the states, including Nevada and Utah, which have Republican governors. On Wednesday, both states responded.

Mary-Sarah Kinner, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s press secretary, said Nevada had not and would not seek a waiver. Ally Isom, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert’s deputy chief of staff, acknowledged that Utah sought waivers but not from work requirements.

Dick Morris, the former Top Advisor to President Bill Clinton during the Welfare Reform Legislation Enactment in the 1990’s, also helped craft the law. He gave the insider’s viewpoint on how Obama did indeed gut of Work Requirements For Welfare Recipients.

On PBS, Judy Woodruff talked to Georgetown University’s Peter Edelman and Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector about  welfare reform. A spirited debate ensued:

I should have mentioned – Rerctor won the debate, hands down.

Obama Campaign Website Still Prominently Features Joe Soptic Lie

Even as the Obama Campaign twists in the wind while the MS hammers them over the vicious and dishonest Soptic ad, everyone knows they were involved with, this image via Jim Geraghty on Twitter, remains on Barack Obama’s campaign site still insinuating that Mitt Romney is culpable for a women’s death of lung cancer.

A much, much better case can be made that Barack Obama caused the untold misery of untold numbers of people through his crony Socialist policies, exemplified by the Delphi disaster:

Click to enlarge.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!