Still Wondering Why Obama Sat in Jeremiah Wright’s Church for 20 Years (Video)

Red State’s Ben Howe thought it would be a good idea to remind voters of who Jeremiah Wright is, and why Obama’s relationship with him so threatened his candidacy in the Spring of 2008.

If you remember, in March of 2008, Obama gave a BIG SPEECH to explain his relationship with Wright. It explained nothing, but the MSM was enthralled by it, and the matter was dropped like a hot potato. John McCain inexplicably took the issue off the table in what could only have been some gentleman’s agreement with the O campaign, or his own irredeemable incompetence.

Four and a half years later, it would appear to be a dead issue. Obama’s been “vetted” on that. Not really.

He never adequately explained why he sat in a Marxist, race-baiting, anti-Semitic church for 20 years.

11 thoughts on “Still Wondering Why Obama Sat in Jeremiah Wright’s Church for 20 Years (Video)

  1. Pingback: Jeremiah Wright Rates A Second Look In The Light Of D’Souza’s 2016 : The Other McCain

  2. Needed to do some refreshing update on what liberation theology is started in Latin America by a radical arm of the Catholic Church and how it became the “black liberation theology”.
    “One of the pillars of Obama’s home church, Trinity United Church of Christ, is “economic parity.” On the website, Trinity claims that God is not pleased with “America’s economic mal-distribution.” Among all of controversial comments by Jeremiah Wright, the idea of massive wealth redistribution is the most alarming. The code language “economic parity” and references to “mal-distribution” is nothing more than channeling the twisted economic views of Karl Marx. Black Liberation theologians have explicitly stated a preference for Marxism as an ethical framework for the black church because Marxist thought is predicated on a system of oppressor class (whites) versus victim class (blacks).”

    There is quite a bit of evidence too that a lot of black liberal churches (including white too) that were infiltrated by the Communist Party USA.(circa 1930s or so) Have some info on that if you want and actual transcripts from a dissenter testifying at the HUAC…(1953)

    Or, in other words social change is made through manufacturing civil unrest, chaos, revolution etc…..

    IMO, once some religious group that just wants to worship the membership becomes greater when there is a quest for takovers in governments political power. Same as Islam; Mohammad only had around 150 followers when he established his moon god “allah”. When he started killing Jews and Christians villagers in Saudi Arabia, his burden of taxation, then eventually takeover of country after country, it has grown into 1.5 billion…well you know the history.


  3. I’m concerned that we are witnessing and can expect a McCain ver. 2.0 in this election cycle.

    These guys [repubics] bludgeoned each other during the primaries, now . . . . . not so much. There is only one major difference that I can see . . . . race. The republicans are petrified of being called racists, they have all along and cheobama and the dims know it. They feed off of it and use it to their own advantage. This guy should’ve had impeachment charges filed against him already, let alone should’ve never been elected in the first place, but the republicans don’t have the spine nor the fortitude to do it. They will not take the gloves off and go after this guy. It just may cost them the election, just like 2008.

    Quote of the Day:
    “In 2008 this guy was the Master of the Universe. In 2012 he is a victim of circumstances.”


  4. Might add that I don’t think it was by any random decision that obama moved to Chicago. Blacks in that area and the Church just became “useful idiots” to him in his road to the Senate and then the POTUS. As with his Islamic background many of the blacks and gangs had converted to Islam. Chicago was a hub for the CPUSA and Frank Marshall Davis had traveled there frquently, bombers Bill and Bernadine resided there. And if Barry Soetero aka BHO at Columbia U, was a member of the Marxist SDS and the Weathermen was a terrorist spin-off with Bill and Bernadine as the leaders in NYC..yeah looks like a duck to me.



  5. I’m glad that people are starting to let the label “Marxist” flow off their tongue more freely now. This may mean nothing to the younger generations, but the older one should know and fear a Marxist.


  6. Pingback: Obama’s Worship Leader #VetObama | RedState » Not Good News

  7. Personally, I don’t believe a person can be a socialist (or communist) and a Christian at the same time because the bases for each are so diametrically opposed.

    That being said, I wonder which it is for our president? Is he a Christian, as he claims, or is he a socialist/communist, as his agenda would lead us to believe?

    (Remember: “By their deeds shall you know them.”)

    Also, I don’t believe the same can be said for Islam, because the very bases for Islam fits so well with brutal, practical socialism.


  8. Pingback: News You May Have Missed

  9. Pingback: Jeremiah Wright is back and this time we should pay attention… | Stacy on the Right

  10. Pingback: Jeremiah Wright: Obama’s Spiritual Mentor for 20 Years « RubinoWorld

  11. Pingback: Black Americans & Muslims | Black Write & Read

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