Islamic Rage Boy ‘Unfazed’ By Attention

I love it. In the latest Rage Boy interview, found at Hot Air, the perpetual protester is described as a ‘former militant’. Wow. I’d hate to see what they consider ‘militant’ in India.

The boy spends four months out of the year in jail. My favorite part of the video comes at the end when they show him being carted off, kicking and screaming into what looks like some sort of paddywagon.

So while he sits in jail, Western entrepreneurs are collecting $$$ for mugs and tee-shirts with his likeness on them. That is very cool. But not according to CAIR’s Ibrihim Hooper, who compared the pictures to the anti-semitic imagery of the 1930’s Nazi Germany, in a Guardian interview back in July:

“The cartoon is part of an overall growth of anti-Muslim rhetoric in this country. Someone is trying to link Islam with violence and anger and profiting from it.” (emphasis mine).

Whatever would give someone that idea?!

14 thoughts on “Islamic Rage Boy ‘Unfazed’ By Attention

  1. “The boy spends four months out of the year in jail.”

    And they say it like it’s no big deal: “His likes include: long walks in the desert, quiet evenings at home with his eight wives, and spending upwards of 1/3 of his life incarcerated.”

    We’re the ones with the problem. Mr. Bhat is just a simple man with deeply held beliefs.


  2. Did you see that Buckly F. Williams was interviewed in that Guardian article?

    Buckley F Williams, from the “conservative leaning” satirical news blog The Nose On Your Face, says: “We’re anti-Muslim-extremism, the loudest voice of the Muslim world right now, which would lead one to believe it is the dominant voice of the Muslim faith.

    “Believe me, we want to be proven wrong. It isn’t as though we were sitting around at our monthly Ku Klux Klan meetings and drawing religions out of a hat to see who would become the object of our scorn and ridicule next.”

    He and his co-blogger Potfry, both assumed names, have seen a significant rise in traffic to their site since the launch of Islamic Rage Boy, from 1,000 to 5,000 hits a day. They first spotted Mr Bhat last September.

    Mr Williams says: “We didn’t go looking for him because he was always in the news. We made him Islamic Rage Boy shortly after that and it became a sub-culture.”

    “….both assumed names…”



  3. The way Hooper twists words to make it sound like the most dangerous type of ‘extremism’ is one that simply pokes fun at fire-breathing, fanatical Islamofascists because that is what fuels them is really quite impressive. I have to say.


  4. “The way Hooper twists words to make it sound like the most dangerous type of ‘extremism’ is one that simply pokes fun at fire-breathing, fanatical Islamofascists because that is what fuels them is really quite impressive. I have to say.”

    But hardly original. He has taken extensive notes on how to play the victim card here in America. Take out “Muslim” or “Islam” and replace it with “black” or “African-American” and you have the talking points of today’s black “leaders.”

    Thanks for your help in this matter Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.


  5. There’s nothing cool about people who sell merchandize of you without your permission.

    We make an exception for people who are a blight on humanity.


  6. Well, In Love, War and Politics everything is possible. World politics is involve in this the whole scenes of Terrorism and then War against Terrorism.


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