Palin Calls On Obama Campaign To Release Communications It Has Had With ACORN

Sarah lowers the boom in Ohio!

“As for ACORN and voter fraud, now they’re under federal investigation, John and I are calling on the Obama Campaign to release communications it has had with this group and to do so immediately.”

Of course, this kind of racist hate speech can not be allowed to stand. The Obama Camp responded vigorously:

Barack Obama’s campaign attorney today asked Attorney General Michael Mukasey to add a probe into allegedly false Republican claims of voter fraud to the investigation into the firings of U.S. attorneys.

Republican voter-fraud accusations “seek both to suppress the vote and to unduly influence investigations and prosecutions,” wrote Robert Bauer, general counsel for the Democratic presidential nominee. He made the statement in a letter to Mukasey and special prosecutor Nora Dannehy, who is looking into the nine U.S. attorney firings in 2006.

Soooooooo……do people actually believe this Orwellian bullshit? It’s not like libs haven’t used this commie tactic before: Accuse your accusers of that which you’re guilty…..but I’ve never seen it done this brazenly, with an attempt to employ so much power  behind it. It’s a grim farce.

To McCain’s credit, he responded forcefully:

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Spokesman Ben Porritt issued the following statement in response to the Obama campaign’s letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey:

“After a week of shifting stories and clumsy corrections regarding Barack Obama’s connections to ACORN, the Obama campaign resorted to their now-customary heavy handed tactic of attempting to criminalize political discourse. Today’s outrageous letter to Attorney General Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Dannehy at the Justice Department asking for a special prosecutor to investigate Senator McCain and Governor Palin’s public statements about ACORN’s record of fraudulent voter registrations (including in this week’s Presidential debate) is absurd. It is a typical time-worn Washington attempt to criminalize political differences. For someone who promises ‘change,’ it is certainly only more of the same.

“The letter’s request that the Department of Justice investigate ‘recent partisan Republican activities throughout the country’ is almost a parody of the Obama campaign’s attempt to intimidate their political opponents. In case Sen. Obama’s lawyer did not notice, we are in the midst of a political campaign, not a coronation, and the alleged criminal activity he calls ‘recent partisan Republican activities’ are what the rest of us call campaign speeches and debates. All of this is unfortunately reminiscent of the Obama campaign’s recent creation of a ‘truth squad’ of Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs to ‘target’ people who criticize Sen. Obama. Rest assured that, despite these threats, the McCain-Palin campaign will continue to address the serious issue of voter registration fraud by ACORN and other partisan groups, and compliance by states with the Help America Vote Act’s requirement of matching new voter registrations with state data bases to prevent voter fraud.”

Don’t back down, guys. Keep hitting them hard.

Obama’s overplaying his hand, and I believe the tide is turning.


Here is ACORN’s Social Policy magazine’s PDF of an article it did on Obama five years ago.

2 thoughts on “Palin Calls On Obama Campaign To Release Communications It Has Had With ACORN

  1. Pingback: Obama’s Investigators « Nice Deb

  2. Pingback: IA Rep Steve King Says ACORN Investigation will lead to the White House « Nice Deb

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