2 thoughts on “How Banks Are Going To Use Their Bailout Money

  1. I truly believe that the way to get us out of this deficit is to pour money into things like highways and whatnot. Perhaps even these new fangled contraptions called zeppelins. Check out this site and their revolutionary ideas http://www.petergreenberg.com/2008/10/27/tired-of-airplanes-how-about-a-zeppelin/
    This idea is not new, its a great idea but not a new one. The answers are not these huge revolutionary things but things that already exist but need tweaking.

    Another thing that would help our economy is to increase exports. Its simple math more money coming in is good. Why pay farmers not to farm? Thats a socialist idea not a capitalist idea. We are not capitalist nor do we truly believe in free trade. This means we have a mixed economy and that essentially means we are socialist…that however is an entire other can of worms.


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