Liberal Madness: Mayor of Chicago Welcomes “Fruit of Islam”, Rebuffs Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A President, Dan Cathy set off a liberal firestorm when he was quoted July 16 in the Baptist Press saying he was “guilty as charged” for supporting “the biblical definition of the family unit. “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

To the  unhinged left – this is tantamount to hate speech – and must be stamped out. How dare they have such Christian, pro-family opinions (that most Americans agree with) and how dare express them in public.

The horror.

The Boycott Chick-Fil-A website, plaintively asks – “How can something so good be so evil.”

Because everybody knows, if you don’t agree with the left-wing values, (or lack thereof),  you’re evil…

Case in point: After Shooting Tragedy, Aurora Chick-fil-A Gives Free Meals to Police Working Case

Everyone knows cops are tools of the one percent.

The Mayors of two of America’s most liberal cities, Boston, and Chicago wholeheartedly agree that Christian views on homosexuality must be stamped out..  How dare these Christians express Christian opinions! Not in our fair cities!!!

Chicago Tribune: Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a statement. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.”

Emanuel was vowing his support for Alderman Moreno’s announcement that he would block construction of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in his district.

Boston Mayor Menino said he would block the chain from opening in Boston because of Cathy’s opposition to gay marriage.

Yahoo News: “In recent days you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-sex marriage and said the generation that supports it has ‘an arrogant attitude,’” Menino wrote in a letter dated July 20.  “Now—incredibly—your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.”

While stiffing Chick fil A, Emanuel is welcoming Louis Farrakhan‘s “Fruit of Islam” the paramilitary arm of the Nation of Islam into the streets of Chicago, ostensibly to help fight crime.

Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods on Wednesday.

According to The Sun Times, Chicago’s first Jewish mayor has no interest in revisiting Farrakhan’s history of making anti-Semitic statements.

I’m sure he’s not interested in revisiting one of Farrakhan’s most recent statements, either: All White People Should Be Scientologists To Prevent Them From Being “Devil Christians” And “Satan Jews”…
Garvey Ashhurst from the Global Grind applauds Emanuel, saying, “we should all take a page out of his (Emanuel’s)  book and put aside petty differences for the greater good of man.”

No doubt Chick-fil-A President, Dan Cathy agrees.

You know him best as the Alabama man who scared away a potential rapist, but Antoine Dodson has a lot more to say than just “Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.”

Dodson, who is gay, voiced his support for Chick-fil-A and pledged his continued patronage. In spite of Dan Cathy’s personal opposition to gay marriage, Dodson believes the fast-food chain’s CEO is entitled to his own opinion, and he resents being told where he can and cannot eat by those who disagree with Cathy’s views.

Hold the phone — Dodson believes in freedom of speech and the right to make personal decisions for oneself? It sure looks that way, at least when it comes to where and what he eats.

But I fear the loveable viral Youtube star will soon be bullied into reversing course.

Who the Hell do these people think they are? More importantly, who and what is America any longer if despicable, Stalin-esque tactics like this from the left in this country are allowed to continue. Bloomberg in NYC, Emanuel in Chicago, these thugs deserve to be handcuffed, frog marched for the cameras and thrown in jail for their usurpation of political power and travesty, while official elected representatives in a what was once a free democracy.

Via Andy at AoSHQ:

Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino backed away from his threat to actively block the fast-food chain from setting up shop in the city.“I can’t do that. That would be interference to his rights to go there,” Menino said, referring to company president Dan Cathy, who drew the mayor’s wrath by going public with his views against same-sex marriage.

I wonder if this had anything to with the discovery by Michael Graham of Menino’s prior support for the notorious gay-bashers at Chick-fil-A.

Oh, wait. Did I say Chick-fil-A? Sorry, I meant the Muslim Imam who wants to kill gays, not serve them a tasty chicken sandwich.

If you’re a conservative who holds the same position on same-sex marriage that Barack Obama publicly held up until a couple of months ago, you’re a bigot unworthy of even getting a business license. If you’re a practitioner of the Religion of Peace™ who advocates putting gays to the sword, though, no problem.

Does anyone have a flowchart that explains the left’s pecking order here? Or do they just make this shit up as they go?

11 thoughts on “Liberal Madness: Mayor of Chicago Welcomes “Fruit of Islam”, Rebuffs Chick-fil-A

  1. Pingback: Eat More Chicken OR Be More Chicken | Sandia Tea Party

  2. Pingback: Be More Chicken OR Eat More Chicken | Gadaboutblogalot's Blog

  3. here’s your chick-fil-A locator! Go give ’em som business!

    As for Rahm’s new militia: I don’t think that’s legal either. The Fruits have no training and no authority. Wouldn’t we say they’re tantamount to an Islamic militia?!

    Rahm is leaving Chicagoans and himself open to catastrophic violence. Imagine the illegal activity, imagine the hurt or murdered citizens, imagine the lawsuits…


  4. Pingback: Thanks Mayor Rahm Emanuel It’s Now Our Moral Obligation to Eat @ChickFilA | Scott Fillmer

  5. Pingback: I support Chick-fil-A. ( or Screw you Rahm ) » Kallsign Snoopys Doghouse

  6. Pingback: SHOCK! — ACLU Supports Chick-Fil-A! – Godfather Politics « RubinoWorld

  7. Pingback: Is Chick-Fil-A AntiGay? No! or How to be Hung for Promoting Family Values « The Good News

  8. Pingback: Eat More Chicken? … Can I get an Amen! – Patriot Warrior

  9. There is no pecking order and nobody is that stupid so one can only conclude they are just spineless. We all know how intolerant the left is.


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