Video: DNC Trots Out Fake Lifelong Republican Maria Ciano

Everybody remembers “lifelong Republican”, Maria Ciano, from the Obama campaign video called Republican Women For Obama, right? The video featured four or five women who claimed to be Republicans, or to have been Republicans until recently. John Hinderaker was able to prove that at least two of the women as hard-core leftists including Maria Ciano.

But, of course, they are appalled by Mitt Romney–it is hard to say why, apart from a couple of discreet references to abortion, but did they really just now figure out that the Republican Party is pro-life? The ad is surprisingly ineffective, but it is also dishonest. At least one of the women who pose as “Republican women for Obama” is a long-time Democrat.

Her name is Maria Ciano, and BuzzFeed finds that she has been a registered Democrat in Colorado at least since 2006.


In addition to the fact that she is a registered Democrat, check out her Facebook “likes.” They make it obvious that Ms. Ciano is a devoted Democrat and a left-wing activist. Here are some of her “likes,” beginning with the earliest in time:

* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Being Liberal
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic Party

But the Obama campaign describes Ms. Ciano as a “Republican Woman!” Right. There are liars; there are compulsive liars; and then there is the Obama campaign.

Here’s her dopey DNC speech where she begins, “I grew up in a conservative Republican family in Aurora Co. Many of my relatives can’t believe I’m doing this – I guess I can’t either!”

One of the relatives who most certainly, isn’t surprised by her appearance at the D ‘n C is her “conservative Republican” mother, who Hinderaker discovered also appeared in the Obama campaign video with her.

The women in the video aren’t named, but she is Delia Ciano–none other than Maria Ciano’s mother. Her Facebook page, like her daughter’s, is revealing. She put up a link to the Obama video and writes, “Maria and I are part of this video. I hope you watch.”


I love the part where someone comments, “Just saw you on TRMS [The Rachel Maddow Show]!” And she responds: “TRMS is my favorite show! Amazing!” Sure, just like all Republicans, she is a big Rachel Maddow fan. Delia Ciano also shared a link via the Rachel Maddow show:


Elsewhere on the page, she refers to Republicans as “this idiots.” No surprise, then, that her page consists mostly of attacks on Republicans. Here are just a couple of many screen shots that could be taken. In the first one, note the reference to “Mitt Romney and his party”:

What a farce.  The only “idiots” are the people who buy this hokum.


6 thoughts on “Video: DNC Trots Out Fake Lifelong Republican Maria Ciano

  1. I agree with and welcome Maria, to the club . . . . . .
    “I still believe in small government, but I no longer believe in the Republican Party” – Maria Ciano

    The bright spot is we ended up with Paul Ryan though. The last, best hope . . . . .
    [you really should pick better friends]


  2. Gosh, I’m just aghast that the jackasses would try to pull a fast one one a public (at least 53% of the voters last presidential election cycle) that wouldn’t know just how stupid the jackasses think they really are if they were hit upside the head with indisputable facts about it.


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