Video: Obama Supporters Paid $11 an Hour by SEIU to Protest Romney Rally in PA

So this is the same protest near Cleveland Ohio, where those  two Mensa recipients were caught on tape gushing about Obama’s free phones, and saying that our Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens deserved what he got. I said that guy looked like a union goon, didn’t I?

This video should go viral because it exposes the type of astroturf in which the organized left specializes. The Community Organizer in Chief”s partner in political thuggery, the SEIU actually pays people to protest Mitt Romney at his appearances.

Does America want these repulsive people to win in November?


Gateway Pundit reports that the SEIU is also paying their goons in FL to harass Allen West:  Allen West Stalkers  Barge in on Rally Unfurl Banner and Scream on Bullhorns (Video)


2 thoughts on “Video: Obama Supporters Paid $11 an Hour by SEIU to Protest Romney Rally in PA

  1. Pingback: SEIU Paying People To Protest At Romney Campaign Stops | WaznmentobeWaznmentobe

  2. Funny – after looking at the headline, I would re-word it:
    People Paid $11 an Hour by SEIU to be Obama Supporters and Protest Romney Rally in PA.


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