Obama Calls ObamaCare Proponents “God’s Partners”

obamessiah squirrel

I guess that would make ObamaCare opponents, along with the nasty, awful insurance companies….partners with {{{SATAN}}}!!!

In a cynical but typical Obama move, he appealed yesterday to the “faith community” in selling ObamaCare to the masses:

In a morning conference call with about 1000 rabbis from across the nation, Obama asked for aid: “I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform,” the President told the group, according to Rabbi Jack Moline, who tweeted his way through the phoner.

“We are God’s partners in matters of life and death,” Obama went on to say, according to Moline’s real-time stream.

In a second call,Obama spoke to a group of 30 religious leaders on a live webcall:

“The one thing you all share is a moral conviction,” he told the audience, saying Americans deserved good health care.

He said a lot of people “are bearing false witness” by spreading misinformation about health care reform.

And he repeated: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” (*groan*)

Obama called the “death panels” argument spread by Sarah Palin “an extraordinary lie.”

The president called on religious leaders to “speak the truth” and help him spread the good word about health care reform.

At the end, Obama did not take any questions, and, with a simple “bye bye,” ended the call.

Yid with Lid did a great job fisking Obama’s words, and making the obvious point:

While the POTUS was correct that revising the health care system in America is a moral issue, the argument, is not as he claims whether we should reform health care, its how we should reform health care. His opponents don’t like Obama’s plan.

I’m taken aback by the religious pretenses: “…bearing false witness”, “God’s partners”, “spread the good word”.

Are these religious leaders actually taken in by that?

Are they able to discern who’s bearing “false witnes”?

I don’t know…maybe it’s just me, but … does it make your head want to explode when a guy who couldn’t even agree to stop the practice of infanticide in cases of botched abortions when he had repeated opportunities to do so, calls himself a partner with God?! A man who looked the Pope in the eyes and said, “he would like to reduce the number of abortions in the United States” while promoting a plan that could create the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade?!

Here’s what some religious pro life leaders, who I’m guessing weren’t in on the conference call, think of ObamaCare:

Photoshop credit: Not sure. I found the graphic here. I added the words, and squirrel, obviously.


CBN News blogger James Brody says:

President’s Words Opens Up Evangelical “Can of Worms”

When the President got on that Wednesday conference call sponsored by progressive and moderate faith leaders he said some of his critics are “bearing false witness”. Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he’s definitely  referring (not exclusively) to people who are talking about these death panels and government funding of abortion.  Guess what? He’s talking about conservative Evangelical groups. When you come out on a FAITH conference call and use the words, “bearing false witness” that is a direct slap down of conservative Evangelical groups. You can debate the intention behind his words but it really doesn’t matter because it is really only how it is received that matters. In essence he was calling these Christian groups a bunch of liars. It’s a serious charge. By ratcheting up the rhetoric, the President just amped up the fight against him and opened up a can of worms.

Brody is absolutely right. Obama has insulted a large group of religious conservatives with that rhetoric, and this wouldn’t be the first time he’s done so. Every so often Obama shows his true colors. Remember that 1995 Chicago reader article, where  Obama shared his low opinion of “the Christian right”?:

“The right wing, the Christian right, has done a good job of building these organizations of accountability, much better than the left or progressive forces have. But it’s always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia. And they also have hijacked the higher moral ground with this language of family values and moral responsibility.

At that time, he also expressed his belief in collectivism as opposed to individualism:

“In America,” Obama says, “we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.”

That right there should have set off some alarm bells.


Great related reads:

VDH: ‘A contest between hope and fear’?

There is something creepy about the sudden invocation of Christian morality by the president to galvanize support for his state-run health care plan, as if his opponents are suddenly to be seen as somehow selfish or even un-Christian. This is an unfortunate, counter-productive tactic for at least four reasons:

Keep reading.

Althouse: Obama would like you to see government as religion.

He addresses a group of religious leaders:

“I know there’s been a lot of misinformation in this debate, and there are some folks out there who are frankly bearing false witness,” Mr. Obama told a multidenominational group of pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders who support his goal to remake the nation’s health care system.

Bearing false witness? Breaking the 9th Commandment? So his opponents are sinners. I’m trying to imagine the separation-of-church-and-state freakout if George Bush had taken this approach to arguing for one of his policies.

Good stuff, and great comments, too, over there.

One more:

Harsanyi: What would Obama do?

“For with thee is the fountain of life: and in thy light we shall see the public option.”

Yes, it’s finally come to this. We’ve dragged the Almighty Lord into the debate. It’s Yahweh or the highway.

This week, President Barack Obama claimed his version of health care reform was “a core ethical and moral obligation,” beseeching religious leaders to promote his government-run scheme. Questioning the patriotism of opponents, apparently, wasn’t gaining the type of traction advocates of “reform” had hoped.

“I know there’s been a lot of misinformation in this debate and there are some folks out there who are frankly bearing false witness,” Obama said, invoking the frightening specter of the Ten Commandments.

On Team Righteous we have those who meet their moral obligations; on the other squad we must have the minions of Beelzebub — by which, of course, we mean, profit-driven child- killing, mob-inciting insurance companies.

21 thoughts on “Obama Calls ObamaCare Proponents “God’s Partners”

  1. obama answering questions on healthcare today from talk radio made me kind of nauseous. It was the first time that I listened to him longer than 3 minutes. Isn’t it a shame that we are not able to believe what our government tells us?


  2. Example number 847393773937 of “Can you imagine if Bush had done this?”

    The lefties would be screaming about Bush thinking he channels God but when Obama does it…..silence.


  3. “calls himself a partner with God?! ”

    Actually, Obamessiah thinks God’s just a junior partner.

    He was trying to give Big G a little extra cred, since he was talking to G’s guys.


  4. Actually, it wasn’t just insulting for him to invoke God in this matter, it was clumsy. After decades of the left’s constant press to force God out of the public square and the public debate, Obama dragged him back in an attempt to force opposition to shut if if they aren’t going to support HellCare. This is an opportunity.

    If he is partnering with God on this legislation, then there is no reason not to partner with God on all legislation! After all, if the ACLU and the usual suspects are silent about this, then it must be time, right?


  5. We partner with God when we become people He can guide and use to fulfill His purposes here on earth.

    Kevin Brennfleck and Kay Marie Brennfleck on Pat Robertson’s CBN website


  6. Well, it’s just awesome that Obama is using the same language as t.v. evangelists.


    See if you can find GW Bush saying anything like that.


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  8. “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death”
    – B. H. Obama II, August 2009, to some of the descendents of the survivors of Nazi death camps.

    “Gott Mit Uns”
    – Nazi motto used on German army beltbuckles and throughout Nazi Germany.

    hmmmm. :p


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