4 thoughts on “90 Seconds to Government Run Healthcare

  1. Very clever. Thanks for posting it. AND I LOVE Michelle Bachman in the yellow Kill-the-Bill get-up.

    Looks kinda like my latest hand made Tea-Party poster… but mine doesn’t have Michelle’s pretty face.


  2. Pingback: Aside: Nice Deb Has Gov’t Health Care In 90 Seconds » Pirate's Cove

  3. I am curious.
    If government run health care is so bad, why do all the Republicans congressmen use it?
    As federal workers they get 75% of their premiums paid for by the taxpayers.
    If they really dislike taxpayer funded health insurance, why don’t they just drop their government plan and sign up for a private plan like many of us self employed sole proprietors.
    Sounds like a double standard.. Not good for you, but good for me. And I don’t want you to have what I have.

    At least Democrats legislators support government run health care and think we should all have the same type of plan.

    But Republican congressmen denounce it in public and then….sign up for it !

    Sounds like hypocrisy.. wouldn’t you agree.

    In fact the same might be said for all those senior citizens, local, state and federal employees and veterans who oppose government funded health care.

    Are they even aware that they are enrolled in and enjoy the benefits of a government run and financed health care system?

    Wouldn’t you think they would drop out and go with private insurance?
    After all, if government run health care is so bad for freedom and democracy, that seems to be the only patriotic thing to do.


  4. If government run health care is so bad, why do all the Republicans congressmen use it?

    Because it’s not “government-run?” Duh. It’s government-financed, not government-run. The difference is huge. And since it’s a small group of people, the cost of government financing doesn’t threaten the American economy.

    The real hypocrisy is: why don’t Democratic congressmen sign up for Obamacare and leave their current plan?


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