Senator Jim DeMint Introduces Bill To Repeal ObamaCare


March 21, 2010 – WASHINGTON, D.C – Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) announced that he will introduce legislation this week to repeal President Obama’s government takeover of health care. House Democrats voted this evening to pass the Senate version of the health care bill and it will likely be signed into law by President Obama later this week.

“This bill is unconstitutional and it cannot be fixed. It must be repealed,” said Senator DeMint. “The battle for health care freedom is not over and I will introduce legislation this week to repeal this health care takeover.

“Unless this trillion-dollar assault on our freedoms is repealed, it will force Americans to purchase Washington-approved health plans or face stiff penalties. It will fund abortions, raise taxes and insurance premiums, while reducing health care choices and quality.”

“This arrogant power grab proves that the President and his party care more about government control than the will of the American people. Americans told Washington to keep its hands off their health care in opinion polls, at public protests, and at the ballot box, but their pleas were ignored.

“If the President and Democrats were serious about true health care reform, there were many free-market solutions we could have easily passed. Americans support commonsense reforms such as purchasing coverage across state lines, stopping frivolous medical lawsuits, and giving the same tax breaks to Americans who don’t get their insurance at work. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to listen.”

The bill passed in the House today raids $52 billion from Social Security, cuts nearly $500 billion from Medicare, and doesn’t account for the hundreds of billions Congress must pass to pay doctors who treat elderly patients.

TEXT of Senator DeMint’s bill to Repeal ObamaCare: To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

I’m not sure about the timing of this…wouldn’t it be smarter to wait until after the elections in November.. What chance is there of getting this POS repealed now, with the Democrat Socialists in charge?


8 thoughts on “Senator Jim DeMint Introduces Bill To Repeal ObamaCare

  1. Charles Krauthammer Predicts National Sales Tax To pay for ObamaCare. 52% of the USA who voted for Barry, have helped destroy our Constitution. They should have read DEB’s Blog! Keep up the great work!


  2. This is why I have a dislike of how the Government as we know it stands both left and right. We are letting 535 people or only .00014% of the nation decide what is best for all of us. And it is not just on healthcare. They decide everything that goes through the house for us. All because it may be for the greater good. We have no free will in such matters. Now, I come from the left and while I feel parts of the bill in question made sense and contained some good ideas, I simply was not a fan of it in its current state. The fact that it is going to be passed by such a narrow margin annoys me greatly. I can only hope that numerous rewrites can go into effect on it because it has far to many flaws in its current state.


  3. Pingback: VIDEO: The PrObamaCare MSM in action over the last year « Sister Toldjah

  4. Yes, it is really annoying that these people in Congress and in Senate should decide on something most of us do not want. The people have spoken many times in the past months but still they are stubborn to pursue the health care bill. It seems that the people have lost their voice and those whom the people elected are no longer acting as they should to represent the people’s will. What are we now to do with them?


  5. I guess what we are now to do with them is vote them out. Delude ourselves that we are replacing them with someone who actually cares about what we want. Then after a few months of the honeymoon, we will realize we got the same damn thing and the cycle will begin all over again.


  6. I am a so-called “liberal” who will vow to vote Republican if they can repeal Obamacare. The government has no right to force me to buy health insurance if I do not think I can afford it or if I do not wish to purchase their “approved” product. This is unconstitutional. I understand having to buy auto insurance but health insurance is personal-it should be up to the individual. Stop taking away our freedoms! I wish to find out exactly which politicians voted for this evil so that I will remember not to vote for them.


  7. No Republicans voted for it. All but a small handful of House Dems voted for it, and the few that voted no, most likely did it with Pelosi’s blessing because they’re from tough districts (for Dems).

    Here’s the roll call from the House vote:

    Roll Call in the Senate:


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