Michelle Obama To Black Churchgoers: There is ‘No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues

Continuing the Obama campaign’s election year push to mobilize black churches in support of Obama’s reelection, Michelle Obama made an appeal to black churchgoers to get informed about politics, saying that there is no better place than church to talk about political issues.

CNS News reported on the First Lady’s remarks which were made at a religious conference in Nashville, last week.

There is no better place than church to talk about political issues because they are ultimately moral issues, First Lady Michelle Obama told a church gathering on Thursday.

“To anyone who says that church is no place to talk about these issues, you tell them there is no place better – no place better,” Obama told the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s 49th general conference, held in in Nashville, Tenn.

“Because ultimately, these are not just political issues – they are moral issues,” she said. “They’re issues that have to do with human dignity and human potential, and the future we want for our kids and our grandkids.”

So. No better place, says the First Lady.  That’s good to know.

Because there’s no better issue than the abortion issue for a discussion  on ” human dignity and human potential” and the left has been attacking the Catholic Church for taking a stand against the Obama administration’s contraception/abortion mandate, all year long…

This liberal reporter for Boston.com was certainly not happy to hear his Priest’s thoughts on the matter:

I happened to be attending Mass on Long Island, N.Y., when the priest took to the pulpit to read from an address Pope Benedict XVI gave last month to US bishops, in which the pope decried “radical secularism.’’ Benedict did not specifically mention Obama’s name, but the priest informed parishioners the pope was referring to the president. He also said Obama’s policy represented “totalitarianism’’ and an attack on religious freedom and the Catholic Church. The priest went on to quote from a recent opinion piece written by Bishop David A. Zubik of Philadelphia, who argued that the Obama administration “has just told the Catholics of the United States, ‘to hell with you!’ ’’

Now the bishops are basically saying to hell with Obama, and the GOP is seizing the opportunity to join forces with a constituency that can play an important role in presidential politics.

And your problem is….?

Sorry, pal, but Michelle Obama says, “there is no better place than church to talk about political issues because they are ultimately moral issues”.

And she’s right that most political issues are ultimately moral issues…she just forgot to mention that her side is usually on the wrong side of every political/moral issue.

Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League  said in a statement that the comments amounted to politicizing religion.

“Michelle Obama followed in the footsteps of her husband yesterday when she called for the politicization of religion,” he said in a statement. “President Obama has explicitly called for ‘congregation captains’ to organize for his reelection.”

“Since the Obamas have taken the gloves off – in effect calling for Americans not to be restrained by separation of church and state legalisms – others should follow suit,” Donahoe said. “I hope that the bishops, priests, evangelical ministers, and the orthodox members of all religions are taking note.

I hope their liberal detractors are taking note, as well. Turnabout is fair play.

Watch video of Michelle Obama making the remarks, here.

10 thoughts on “Michelle Obama To Black Churchgoers: There is ‘No Place Better’ Than Church to Talk About Political Issues

  1. But, but, but…you misunderstand, ND. When Duh-1 or Moochelle go into a church and whip the folks into a political fever, it’s simply doing the Lord’s work (apparently because He can’t, or won’t do it Himself, but that’s a different story).

    When a Catholic bishop, or a Mormon bishop, or an evangelical preacher goes to the pulpit and denounces any of multitudinous liberal sacred cows (a.k.a., sins), it turns into a direct attack on the Constitution and the way the separation of church and state has been mangled by the courts, and therefore is highly illegal and subject to both penalties or jail time (a new ruling that will come out soon), or both.

    In the event Duh-1 is re-elected in November or, more likely, martial law is declared and elections are temporarily suspended until they can be immutably fixed in his favor, anyone speaking against Dear Leader will be subject first to arrest and time in a re-education camp, later to arrest and sudden summary execution because the camps will be too full to handle all the enemies of the state.

    Then there won’t be any controversy at all, because the government will run the churches, too.


  2. I thought a church’s tax exempt status depended on them being not political. Oh, silly me. That doesn’t apply to minorities, now does it?


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