Saturday Movie Matinee: Excuses Excuses

Via The Washington Post:

An outside group targeting President Obama is already out with a new ad highlighting June’s weak jobs report.

Crossroads GPS, a 501(c)(4) organization advised by former Republican strategist Karl Rove, is going on the air with a $25 million campaign focused on the national debt and the jobs market. The first ad, “Excuses,” will focus on Friday’s disappointing jobs numbers.

Via The Right Scoop, Mark Levin exposes Obama’s lies about so-called ‘trickle down economics’:

Via Pirates Cove: 10 Ways Obama Is Killing The American Economy:

  1. Blocking The Keystone Oil Pipeline
  2. Obamacare
  3. Crippling Regulations
  4. Taxes
  5. “Free Trade” Agreements
  6. Killing The Coal Industry On Purpose
  7. Wasting Money
  8. Barack Obama Encourages Government Dependence
  9. Barack Obama Has Fully Supported Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke And Actually Nominated Him For A Second Term
  10. The Soaring National Debt Is Killing Millions Upon Millions Of Future Jobs

More jobs were snuffed out Friday as Obama signed the federal transportation bill,  putting operators of roll-your-own cigarette operations across the nation out of business at midnight.

Robert Weissen, with his brothers and other partners, own nine Sin City Cigarette Factory locations in Southern Nevada, including six in Las Vegas, and one in Hawaii. He said when the bill is signed their only choice is to turn off their 20 RYO Filling Station machines and lay off more than 40 employees.


“The man who pushed for this bill is Sen. (Max) Baucus from Montana, and he received donations from Altria, a parent company of Philip Morris. Interestingly enough, there are also no RYO machines in the state of Montana. It really makes me question the morals and values of our elected speakers.”

Welcome to the party, pal.

But Obummer says: “I’ve Tried Real Hard”:


He’s “Betting on America”: Obama Regime to Invest $20 Million in Wind Farms & Solar Panels for Africa

The brilliant Ann McElhinney likes to say that all across Africa and India, there are women who spend their entire lives doing laundry.  She says, “the pill didn’t liberate women,  washing machines did.”  How much will Obama’s windmills and solar panels liberate African women from their daily drudgery?

This classic McElhenney RightOnline speech is from June of 2011. You can start at the 5:00 minute mark for her comments on solar panels and windmills, or better yet, watch the whole thing.

Hot Air: Stop with the “I inherited a bad economy” excuse, says …

Conservatives ran out of patience a long time ago with the “I inherited a bad economy” excuse, but it’s not just conservatives who find themselves tired of Obama’s pat response.  Robert Reich scolded Obama yesterday on the pages of the Huffington Post, writing that the excuse is “wearing thin” and that this is Obama’s economy…

Granny Jan takes another stab at “We are Building  a Religion”:

Rush Limbaugh blasts the EPA in his Fri, July 6th, 2012 Morning Update:

I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy these PJTV Trifectas. In this edition, Stephen Kruiser fills in for Steve Green to offer his thoughts on an immigration policy that punishes a dairy farmer who doesn’t hire illegal aliens:

Lee Doren: Wrong on Peak Oil says George Monbiot?!

The WSJ: Do You Have the Malware Virus?

A malicious malware bug will kick thousands of computers off the Internet come Monday. Scott Austin discusses what to look for on digits.

Video: P.I. Susan Daniels Sues Ohio Secretary of State Over Obama’s Social Security Number:

Private Investigator Susan Daniels has filed suit against the Ohio Secretary of State over Obama’s fraudulent social security number.

For those of you who have heard the term, “Twittergate”, but don’t really know what it was, this video explains all:

Content Warning: Contains the most vile slurs internet thug, and Brett Kimberlin associate, Neal Rauhauser and his “Beandogs” could conjure against tea party conservatives.

Speaking of Brett Kimberlin, here’s a cheerful Kimberlin jingle that you can sing along with:

Brett Kimberlin

Was convicted of the Speedway bombings
Of 1978
One victim who was critically wounded
Lost a leg
And four years later killed himself

Brett Kimberlin
Spent seventeen years in prison
For the bombings and some other crimes
Later on
He moved to Maryland
Where he lives with his mother

Brett Kimberlin
(Brett Kimberlin)
Brett Kimberlin
(Brett Kimberlin)

Brett Kimberlin
Was convicted in the 1980s
Of five separate federal crimes
Now he directs a pair of nonprofits
That have taken in
Almost two million dollars

Brett Kimberlin
Has been funded by some liberal foundations
Connected to some famous people
George Soros
Teresa Heinz Kerry
And Barbra Streisand

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