Precious: Levin Compares Romney’s Background to Obama’s (Audio)

This gem of a Levin monologue is something I found on YouTube whilst looking for something else. The point he’s  making, here, is a point I’ve made a number of times – usually spurred on by the Marxist in Chief, himself, when he invokes “our shared values”, as if  saying a thing will make it so.  I don’t care if he was born in Hawaii, or outer space. I share no values with this imposter.

He begins with drying acknowledging, that “Ann Romney has a horse”….

I don’t know what it is about owning a horse that the Democrat Socialists think we’re supposed to despise. Most kids grow up wishing they could have a horse — yes, it’s out of reach for most of them for one reason or another. So many kids go to horseback riding camp in the summer, or they ride ponies in county fairs, etc. No sane American begrudges a person for engaging in a quintessential American past-time.

Yet they actually ran an ad mocking Ann Romney for riding a horse, and were shamed into making a weak, obligatory “apology”:  I’m sorry if people were offended:

Today’s dose of Chicago thug politics comes from whichever genius at the Democrat National Committee decided it would be a good idea to mock Ann Romney and her dressage horse in a campaign video.  As ABC News explains, “The DNC used the horse in mocking way to attack Mitt Romney for not releasing his tax returns (and dancing around the issue).”


“This is already a brutal campaign, but the Obamas have long said families are off limits.  Apparently somebody high up reminded the DNC of that.” said ABC News, evidently forgetting the essential rule formulated by Jim Geraghty of National Review: every Obama statement has an expiration date.

Ann Romney took offense to the DNC ad in a “Good Morning, America” interview Wednesday, while vice-presidential prospect Tim Pawlenty said the Democrats should be ashamed of themselves:

This led DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse to offer a tepid apology for the ad, and promise not to go after Mrs. Romney’s equestrian therapy in a political hit job again: “Our use of the Romneys’ dressage horse was not meant to offend Mrs. Romney in any way, and we regret it if it did.  We were simply making a point about Governor Romney’s failure to give straight answers on a variety of issues in this race.  We have no plans to invoke the horse any further to avoid misinterpretation.”

Yeah, we’re trying to get straight answers from Obama on a “number of issues”, as well:

Big Government: Top Ten Felons, Fugitives, and Shady Characters in Obama’s Life

Big Government: Top 10 Things Obama hasn’t Released

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