George Will: Young People Are Running Away From ObamaCare In Rational Terror (Video)

On Special Report, tonight, Bret Baier asked Steven Hayes if he thought the Regime would end up having to throw the baby out with the bathwater – a phrase, Jay Carney used earlier today. Hayes answered that any “fix” that included more spending has “zero chance of passing Congress.”

Then George Will jumped in, “what’s the baby?” he asked plaintively.  “What’s this precious little thing that we’re trying to save, here? The country doesn’t like any part of this…”

He concluded that the young healthies who are supposed to sign up for ObamaCare in order to subsidize  other people’s healthcare are “running away in rational terror.”

Video Via National Review

Also on the show tonight, (but not in the above clip), was Kirsten Powers bristling at the repeated assertion from members of the Regime that the health insurance plans people are losing, are all “substandard.” As someone who has seen her own insurance cancelled only to be replaced with a much more expensive plan, she protested that it just isn’t true.

Obama and his “signature achievement” are becoming more unpopular by the minute and Democrats are desperately trying to find some way to fix what can’t be fixed.

The only way out is full repeal.

Prediction: even if is fixed by the end of the month (unlikely), Obamacare is going to be repealed well in advance of next year’s election.  And if the website continues to fail, the push for repeal—from endangered Democrats—will occur very rapidly.  The website is a sideshow: the real action is the number of people and businesses who are losing their health plans or having to pay a lot more.  Fixing the website will only delay the inevitable.

Via The Washington Post:

The Quinnipiac University poll shows just 39 percent of Americans now approve of Obama’s job performance, compared with 54 percent who disapprove.


Obama’s handling of the health care issue earns just 36 percent approval, compared to 60 percent disapproval.

Moreover, Millennials Now Rate Republican Congressmen as Better Able to Handle Policy Than Obama…

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David Freddoso found some more interesting figures in that Qunnipiac poll.

Note Freddoso’s summary says “Reps in Congress,” which I first thought meant “Representatives in Congress;” but it means Republicans in Congress. The actual question specified Congressional Republicans.

Victor David Hanson thinks Obama’s nosedive in the polls will be short-lived:

Obama has proved disingenuous, without suffering many consequences, for much of his tenure — raising taxes when he said he would not; vastly increasing the national debt when he said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; promising lower unemployment when in fact he has presided over a jobless rate of 7 percent or more for every month of his administration; bragging about new gas and oil production, which actually came on private land despite, not because of, his efforts; claiming credit for reducing a deficit that fell only because of the sequestration that he fought, and only because his previous deficits were so staggering that they were not sustainable.

Yet if public reactions to these past scandals are any benchmark, Obama will survive the Obamacare fiasco as well. In two or three months, he will no doubt return to a near-50-percent approval rating in the polls. Almost half of America is invested in his landmark personal profile, or welcomes the vast increase in federal redistributive payouts and equates it with the Obama ideology and presidency. The media saw Obama the icon as reaffirmation of their own guilt-free liberalism and therefore became deductive rather than empirical.

Unfortunately — he’s probably right.

There’s a substantial number of Americans who apparently don’t mind being lied to as long as the liar has a D after his name.


Betsy McCaughey, RWN: The President’s New Lie:
“Substandard” and “cut- rate” is what President Obama calls the health plans that millions of Americans have lost, even though they wanted to keep them. Backpedaling on his promise that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” Obama is now telling Americans another whopper. The president claims the insurance Americans can get on Obamacare exchanges is a better deal.

Don’t believe him. On the exchanges, you may no longer be able to use the doctors and hospitals you prefer. Many exchange plans exclude the top drawer academic hospitals like Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles, the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and New York Presbyterian in New York City. Instead, the law says that exchange plans must cover care at “essential community providers … that serve predominantly low-income, medically underserved individuals.” (Sec. 1311c(1)C) That means clinics, public hospitals and hospitals largely serving the Medicaid community.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

3 thoughts on “George Will: Young People Are Running Away From ObamaCare In Rational Terror (Video)

  1. Up till now obozo has had a uncanny ability of standing right next to a dopey lib IED explosion [usually cause by either him or one of his minions] point at it and say “did you see that”, and never end up with a stain on him. I don’t believe he is going to be as fortunate with this latest debacle of his own doing. For the last 5+ years he has walked basking in the alleged glory of “his legacy issue”. It has now become a indelible stain that he isn’t going to be able to wash away very easily.

    Of course there is always the “X Factor”! Namely the republican party.

    This mess goes way further than just a incompetent roll out of a web site. It’s a intrinsic problem that is just going to grow and fester the longer it goes on. The republicans have better get off the single issue of a web site problem and address the “entire” problem of the Law itself. They have now been given the second opportunity of “exposing vulnerable dimocrats” after blowing the first opportunity when they had it. As usual the entrenched rino republics thought it was smarter to go after their own rather than getting the current crowd of dims on the record as supporting the Law before it actually imploded.

    Are the republicans ready to vote down the current idea if it comes up for a vote that is being floated: “subsidies” for people who have lost their coverage? Call me a skeptic, but somewhere deep down inside I have a vision of the republics being once again “rolled and out maneuvered” on this issue. The republicans always see the “fight worth fighting” just ahead on the next horizon, the one they never manage to get too.


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