Thursday Link-a-thon

Have you  heard about this, yet? While the left-wing media works itself into a frothy lather over every penny the Koch’s spend on libertarian causes, their  benefactor and puppet-master, “spooky dude” Soros is busy plotting to remake the global economy.

Newsbusters has the latest: Stacked Deck: Soros Adds More Lefty Supporters to Event Aiming to Remake Economy

Soros has spent $50 million getting the group INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) to throw a remake of the famous Bretton Woods conference held near the end of World War II. This conference begins April 8 and Soros’s goal is to “establish new international rules” and “reform the currency system.” It’s all according to a plan laid out in a Nov. 4, 2009, Soros op-ed calling for “a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order.”

Of course it’s gotten little press, despite having eight separate journalists on the list of 90 speakers. That list includes six from The Financial Times, which hasn’t mentioned INET since November.

Though the Soros-funded INET keeps adding new speakers, more than two-thirds of those are still connected directly to George Soros. Some of the newer additions are also blatantly liberal, in case there was any doubt about the nature of the event.

See Newsbusters to see who’s speaking.


Moonbattracker: Unions Still Threatening Wisconsin Businesses: Put Up Our Sign, or Else:

Talk-show host Jay Weber posted a message today on his website reportedly showing a letter template from an AFSCME representative used to intimidate local businesses in the city of Union Grove. The logic is baffling. The letter doesn’t accuse the business owner of coming out against the union or vocalizing support for Walker, but rather says that since the business did not respond to requests to post a pro-union sign, the business is tacitly supporting the governor. The penalty for such inaction? A boycott:

Go ahead –  read the letter. It begins: It is unfortunate that you have chosen “not” not support public worker rights in Wisconsin.

See also, Cold Fury: Goon squads take next step in intimidation campaign: blackmail.


The Glenn Beck Show, 3/30/2011 runs the gamut from who’s behind Obama’s Libyan war policy (which seems to point to Soros) to the boy genius who is trying to disprove the big bang theory.


The Shark Tank has this exclusive video: Herman Cain- “A Real Black Man May Run Against Barack Obama”:

Cain called out the mainstream media as being ‘afraid’  to cover his candidacy because of their alleged fear to see him go toe-to-toe with President Obama.   Cain also explained why that the ‘liberal mainstream media’ has relentlessly tried to smear Governor Sarah Palin and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann because of their fear that either of these two women would take a big portion of the female vote in 2012 if  they were to decide to run for the Presidency.  Mr. Cain finished by stating that “they (the mainstream media) are doubly  scared that a real black man may run against Barack Obama.”


Susan Swift at Big Journalism: Media Tale of Two Marches: Solidarity Saturday v. Pro-Life Sunday

Over 5,000 pro-life advocates marched for the unborn at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Sunday, March 27th. They walked to send a positive message of life, to answer “yes” to the question of life in the womb. The only paper to report this first ever Rose Bowl Walk for Life was the Pasadena Star News, a local paper owned by umbrella Los Angeles Newspapers Group (the Group also ran the labor rally story in one of its other local papers, The Daily News).

The Arch Bishop of Los Angeles Jose Gomez delivered the opening remarks. Live Action’s Lila Rose, African-American pro-life preacher Walter Hoye, film producer Jason (“Bella”) Jones, and Hispanic actress Karyme Lozano spoke to the cheering crowds of pro-life families before the three mile march. Families stayed afterwards to express support for those in crisis pregnancies, visit pro-life booths, and enjoy music by Christian bands including Christafari.


Also at Big Journalism, watch Lee Stranahan use Media Mutters’ favorite debunking ploy against them: Media Matter’s Deceptive Editing On Fox Story:

Media Matters for America is doing a victory lap over their story about Fox News exec Bill Sammon supposedly lying repeatedly on air during the 2008 election after audio they have released shows Sammon saying he found the idea of Barack Obama being a socialist to be ‘far fetched’. But not so fast.

The watchdog group has actually produced a video about the story with blatantly deceptive editing, using trick editing that is so blatant that one wonders why they have such contempt for their fan base. Of course, that fan base includes Howie Kurtz and Greg Sargent. (Is it coincidence that these are the two reporters who were carrying water for Arianna Huffington on the recent Breitbart / Huffington story?)

I’ve done a video showing exactly how MMfA uses editing trickery to lie and frankly, every time I watch the original video I’m stunned with what they try to get away with. They do such a botch job of literally making Sammon say something he never said that repeated viewing make me almost admire their cajones. You’ll see.

Watch video at link.

Check back for more. I have to take a quick break, but I have more on tap.


Long post at Michelle Malkin on a subject I’ve been saying deserves more attention : Project Gunrunner: Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare:

Watch AG Eric Holder do what’s he done his entire career: Stonewall, deny, forget, cover up, give passes, and get passes.

More on Gunrunner and ties to the ICE agent Jaime Zapata’s murder at Patterico’s.

The Truth about Guns’ coverage of the scandal is here. Andrea Shea King’s Gunrunner archive and radio interview with Gunrunner insiders is here. Laura Ingraham’s coverage of the scandal and interview with Sen. Grassley is here. Jim Geraghty and Cam Edwards ask tough questions at NRO. Townhall’s Katie Pavlich has beentrackingthe story.

This disaster has only just begun.


Buried in Barack Obama’s failed trillion-dollar stimulus program was a $10 million bloody border racket that has now cost American lives. This goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It’s bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues — and now anti-gun ideologue Attorney General Eric Holder will “investigate.”

Welcome to Project Gunrunner. Prepare for another Justice Department whitewash.


J. Christian Adams at Big Government: Surprise: Justice Department Exonerates Itself In New Black Panther Case

The New Black Panther fix came in just as we suspected.  Yesterday the Department of Justice completed its 19 month internal investigation into whether Steve Rosenbaum and Loretta King, the political appointee attorneys who ordered the dismissal of the voter intimidation case, acted unethically.  No surprise, DOJ found that DOJ acted ethically.  Otherwise, you wouldn’t have heard about the conclusion.  The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) report was the narrower of the two DOJ investigations of the matter, and Congress will be sure to conduct a far broader, and more competent, inquiry.

More J. Christian Adams at NewsReal: How Eric Holder and Barack Obama Squandered the Promise of a Post-Racial America:

What has been most amazing to see is how the left-wing blogosphere has taken this limited and predictable finding and pounced like genuine reactionaries.  The fly has buzzed by the frog and a long tongue darts automatically.  The cat sees a mouse, and pounces.  They cannot help themselves, they cannot do otherwise.  It is like the Borg, all moving in unison, in common preprogrammed purpose. (With credit to the brilliant Jennifer Rubin).

There are a number of reasons, if I may stain that noble word, why the Left acts like this when it comes to the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation scandal.  For starters, conservatives have never had permission to speak on racial issues, and until recently, conservatives have submitted.  For decades, Republicans were particularly guilty.  Too afraid to articulate a competing philosophy on racial issues, they were content to stay silent and allow thinkers like Shelby Steele to do all of the heavy lifting.  After all, he could get away with it.

I am reminded by a conversation where someone said, “don’t stir up the anthill, we don’t want to raise these issues.”


The Black Panther case is just one more out of many offenses and outrages we’ve had to endure since the lawless Obama regime began, as Mike Hendrix notes in this exquisite rant at

Cold Fury:Depends on what you mean by failure:

Glenn repeats a popular myth re: Ogabe’s meaningless and ever-changing poll numbers:

OBAMA UNDERWATER: “A new poll out this morning from Quinnipiac of over 2000 registered voters nationwide puts Obama’s approval level at 42%, the lowest in any Q-poll for Obama, with 48% disapproving. His re-elect number is actually even lower.” That’s because he’s been a miserable failure at pretty much everything. Even the NCAA bracket…

Well, let’s see about that.

He’s gotten the first big step towards government health care implemented, and the Republicans are either unwilling or incapable of doing anything at all about it. He’s institutionalized previously unimaginable levels of federal spending, and has the Republicans dithering ineffectually over whether to cut a hundredth of one percent out of it or hold the line at a Draconian tenth of one percent, having conceded without argument that any truly meaningful reduction in the size of the federal government, even back to its Leviathan 2008 status, is just out of the question.

He’s effectively destroyed the domestic oil industry, resulting in gas prices that are around four dollars a gallon and will most likely be approaching five by the end of the summer, just as he said he wanted back during his campaign. He’s running a large chunk of the domestic auto industry and influencing the business decisions of the rest of it through Zombie GM. He’s rewarded his friends on Wall Street and at GE while wrapping their competitors in reams of new red tape, playing the corporate-fascism card to advance his own nefarious agenda.

Keep reading, he’s just getting started, of course. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows there’s much, much more. God help us.


My friend Patrick O’Hannigan, with Apologies to Shakespeare and to Jimmy Buffet: No Compulsion in Religion:

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears:
I come to bury Uncle Sam, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Uncle Sam
And those for whom he stood.
His critics call him too ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault
And grievously hath he answer’d for it,
Both in the Civil War and afterward,
Stricken with a multitude of imperfections.

Look you where towers once stood paired,
Or near the river where warriors still meet
In damaged corridors.
Remember when the valor of hijacked passengers

Turned a Pennsylvania field into an altar.
American soil bears witness to Muslim rage,
And to the irony lost on people
Who reach always for the one verse in the Koran
Saying there is no compulsion in religion.

Keep reading…


Hey, look who’s back – it’s David Kahane, posting at NRO: Media Matters’ War on Fox News:

Like the minutes of a Union Square Communist cell in the 1940s, Media Matters eschews stylish writing and individual voices. It’s a true tool of the leftist collective, the media that matters for an America that needs its media to matter. No matter which of its many “senior fellows” is writing “research” or “columns” about Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers, and Fox News, it all sounds exactly the same. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Eric Boehlert, Ari Rabin-Havt, Jamison Foser, Sarah Pavlus, Simon Maloy, or your great-aunt Hilda, the heroic prose reads like the product of the best J school in Belarus — or my alma mater, the Columbia Graduate School of Social Research, Marxism-Leninism, and Journalism. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!


All I can say is, it’s about time. For decades, we’ve been turning the other cheek as you hateful, hurtful right-wingers have inflicted injury after injury upon us, like beating us in elections every once in a while. Here all we want to do is effect a fundamental transformation of your entire country — its morals, its politics, its economic system, its place in the world — and you refuse to play along. And this with the splendid examples of my beloved Soviet Union and Communist China staring you in the face. How many people do we men of the Left have to kill before you take us seriously?

Keep working on it. That 11% could grow to 20% or 25% in no time. But will that matter after the nation’s  been transformed into a Socialist utopia by comrade Obama?


Your grim laugh of the day:

Obama’s accepts transparency award in secret on the same day that Oversight Committee’s damning FOIA report comes out:

— The irony is so thick that transparency advocates are choking on it: “Obama met quietly in the Oval Office with Gary Bass of OMB Watch, Tom Blanton of the National Security Archive, Danielle Brian of the Project on Government Oversight, Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Patrice McDermott of, without disclosing the meeting on his public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.”


William Teach writing for RWN: Obama’s Stealth Globull Warming Executive Order:

As the Republican led House, and many Republicans, and some Democrats, in the Senate look to keep the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases, Mr. Obama has quietly implemented his own rules.

On March 4th, in a move surely designed to side-step Congress, Obama’s Council on Environmental Quality issued instructions to all federal agencies on how to adapt to climate change. All agencies, from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Defense, will be required to analyze their vulnerabilities to the impacts from climate change and come up with a plan to adapt. Thousands of governmental employees will be trained on climate science, like it or not.

The changes aren’t limited to just federal agencies. Countless numbers of private businesses that sell, build, provide logistics or maintenance, or anything else to the government will be forced to comply with new Federal climate adaptation guidelines—all because of Presidential Executive Order 13514.

Oh good God, make it stop.


Is there any good news out there?????

The Economic Collapse: 17 National Debt Statistics Which Prove That We Have Sold Our Children And Grandchildren Into Perpetual Debt Slavery



PACNW Righty: Stolen Valor Act Ruled Unconstitutional:

This one is a little tough to take.  The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has declared the 2006 Stolen Valor Act as unconstitutional based on the right of free speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.  I know the 1st Amendment is by design a very broad brush, put in place to protect dissenting opinions, even if the opinions are more hyperbole than substance.  But I am kind of surprised that lying is protected under the same amendment that protects political speech.

Of course, to the left, lying is virtually the only speech they have, hence this moonbat ruling.

3 thoughts on “Thursday Link-a-thon

  1. Pingback: Union Bullying of Wis. Businesses Backfiring « Nice Deb

  2. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  3. Pingback: Fox’s Media Criticism Show Ignores Bill Sammon’s Cruise Ship Confession – Media Matters for America (blog)

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