Judge Jeanine Pirro: ‘Mr. President, It Looks Like You Support Fanatical Muslims’ (Video)

Judge Jeanine Pirro seems to get devilish enjoyment out of pantsing the president  every weekend on her show.

This Saturday in her opening statement, she gleefully castigated Obama for his horrible handling of the Middle East.

She started out by reminding her audience of Obama’s infamous speech to the Muslim world in June of 2009 that was supposed to help undo the damage the monster Bush had done in his eight years to US/Muslim relations.

“Mr. President, with all due respect,” Pirro began impishly, “I have news for you. George Bush was more popular in the Arab world than you are, right now. The truth? Your indecisive, unclear and feckless foreign policy has literally run our relationship with that region into the ground. And here’s the rub. You’ve been giving billions of our dollars to countries who not only give us nothing in return, but who literally hate our guts.”

She went on to ask, “how can one possibly resolve differences with Islamist fanatics who burn Christian Churches – about 50 now, they say, so far –  topple police vehicles, and use women and children as human shields? And have as their mantra, “with life, with blood – we sacrifice for Islam. Then she lowered the boom. “Mr. President, now it looks like YOU’RE  supporting fanatical Muslims.”

Pirro also weighed in on the latest revelations in the NSA scandal.

“Edward Snowden must be laughing in his vodka,” she quipped. “It’s almost like he choreographed it so that every time the president denies anything, Snowdens leaks are able to rebut his lies.” (Could he have learned that trick from the late great Andrew Breitbart?)

Also, she had on that ridiculous truther doofus, MD Rabbi Alam who actually ran for Sec of State in the Democrat primary in Mo, last year:

Washington insiders told the Beacon that Democrats really need to distance themselves from Alam.

“What is shocking is how someone with such repugnant views can rise so quickly to a position of prominence in the Democratic Party,” said one D.C.-based communications adviser.

“The Democratic Party of Missouri needs to disavow him,” said the source. “The DNC and its Asian American caucus need to disavow him, and the White House needs to make clear he will not be credentialed or granted access to the Democratic National Convention.”

Alam appeared with some other Muslim moke to debate the so called “Million Muslim March” that has been organized for Sept. 11. Such a great way for Muslims earn the good will of fellow Americans –  march as victims of intolerance at Ground Zero on 9/11. It probably actually makes sense to liberals.

You could say this debate got a little heated.

8 thoughts on “Judge Jeanine Pirro: ‘Mr. President, It Looks Like You Support Fanatical Muslims’ (Video)

  1. Pingback: Judge Jeanine Pirro: ‘Mr. President, It Looks Like You Support Fanatical Muslims’ (Video) | Julian Caine's Blog

  2. Pingback: Judge Calls Out Obama For Supporting Fanatical Muslims

  3. Pingback: USA: Conocida presentadora de TV: “El Sr. Presidente, parece que apoya a los fanáticos musulmanes ‘(Video) | NUEVA EUROPA- Nueva Eurabia

  4. Pirro for president! She says it like it needs to be said. Obama is blinded by his upbringing. Of course a good Muslim can be a good person like anyone else but it’s not Islam that made them good. They could have been atheist and would have been good.


  5. Pingback: The Road to Damascus Starts in Tehran…Valeri Price | Jericho777's Blog

  6. Pingback: Barack Obama gets Owned by Judge Jeanine Pirro on Syria | The Samiam60 Report

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