New GOP Ad Rebuts WH Misinformation Video

With as Linda Douglass would say, “cobbled together, out of context quotes” from the past. It’s really a retread of what you’ve already seen at Naked Emperor News, but still  good because the dishonesty of  Obama and the Dems can not be stressed enough:


A good round up of the latest  health care news from Pundit and Pundette: The Dope On Healthcare Reform.

By the way, it turns out that more Americans fear government run health care than the demonized insurance companies, so the Dems are barking up the wrong tree in their demonization efforts.

See also Michelle Malkin:

Um, who’s bought and payed for by the drug lobby?


Death panels? What death panels? Oh, those death panels

3 thoughts on “New GOP Ad Rebuts WH Misinformation Video

  1. Pingback: New GOP Ad Rebuts WH Misinformation Video « Nice Deb | Honduras today

  2. I can honestly say these are the worst times I’ve ever seen.

    9/11 was horrifying, but there was comfort in knowing (or at least thinking) that the country was united against a common enemy. Now I feel like our worst enemies are running our government.


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