Thug Tries The Knockout Game With An Armed Man in Lansing, MI – Gets Popped In The Leg


A new version of the Knockout Game that involved a stun gun didn’t work out too well for the  Lansing, Mich. thug who had planned to use it on his next victim.  Instead of punching the victim in the face, he used a taser  — a KL-800 Type Stun Gun capable of generating 1.8 million volts. But the intended victim had other ideas.

The assailants had scouted the site, the victim and even practiced firing the taser. But then it all went wrong. Or right.

When Marvell Weaver jammed the taser into the ribs of the still unidentified man and pulled the trigger, it jammed. The target pulled out his .40 caliber Smith and Wesson and shot  Weaver as he tried to escape to the getaway van where two of his accomplices waited.

According to

Weaver ran, sat down across the street, his leg going numb, bleeding. Pleading.

“‘I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I don’t know why I did that, I’m high you know, I just wanna go home,’” the teen told the man who had just shot him.

He lived. This happened in May, while the intended victim was picking up his child at a school bus stop. The story came out this week.

According to author Colin Flaherty, the knockout “game” is not random.

It is a very racially charged “game” with very strong criteria for “target” selection.

There are many, many reasons for “target” selection beyond “than they are there.” There is the inherent hatred of the participants along with their boredom and restlessness, accompanied by a “they got and I don’t, so what does it matter if I hurt them” mentality.

In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game. In Oklahoma, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.

More at WND:

The Knockout Game is documented in Flaherty’s book, “White Girl Bleed a Lot:  Many of the examples are on video, which readers of the new edition can see by scanning a QR code as they read about it in the book.

Frontpage Magazine’s Jamie Glazov Interviewed Colin Flaherty, an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in more than 1000 new sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and others.

His story about a black man unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend was featured in the Los Angeles Times and on Court TV and resulted in the release of Kelvin Wiley from state prison. He is a former ghost writer for a Chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights and author of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

6 thoughts on “Thug Tries The Knockout Game With An Armed Man in Lansing, MI – Gets Popped In The Leg

  1. The thug who said he was sorry, was sorry that 1) the taser didn’t fire, 2) he got shot, and 3) got caught. This may have been his first time – an initiation into the Ignoble Order of Street Thugs.

    One thing is certain: this is a clarion call to the People to arm themselves.

    But the lesson from the story is, don’t shoot to kill, just to get their attention an incapacitate them.


  2. “In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes…”
    So assault and battery nay, lets call it what it is, Aggravated Assault (and that is being lenient) is a felony…. so how much jail time should 300 counts get???


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  5. Pingback: When Is Obama Going To Publicly Condemn The Knock-Out Game? | Nice Deb

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