VFW To Dissolve PAC Board!

This great news comes via a memo to the VFW’s National Council of Administration, from Richard L. Eubank, Commander-in-Chief , posted at Blackfive, PDF here.

Here’s a partial list of  liberal Dems the VFW PAC had inexplicably endorsed, while stiffing pro-military candidates like Lt. Col. Allen West:

Harry Reid, Barbara(don’t call me ma’am) Boxer, Ron Wyden, Joe Sestak, Alcee Hastings, Barbara Lee, Steny Hoyer, Barbara Mikulski, Chris VanHollen,  Chuckie Schumer, Pat Leahy, Charlie Melancon, Kendrick Meek, Brad Elsworth, Daniel Inoye, John Dingell, Sander Levin, Mark Schauer, Gary Peters, and Patty Murray.

Needless to say, these endorsements sparked outrage among pro-military conservatives.

Eubank writes:

It is now evident to most of the VFW leadership, both National and especially the
departments, that the VFW has been subjected to extreme negative publicity throughout
the nation, and the recent endorsement decisions have, in fact, harmed the VFW’ s
reputation and future ability to fulfill our mission.

Blackfive notes that the memo comes  after the Ladies Auxilery withdrew all funding support for the PAC.

Now, will these liberal candidates stop mentioning their VFW endorsements in their ads? Something tells me, no.

Hat tip: The Politco, via Lucianne.


6 thoughts on “VFW To Dissolve PAC Board!

  1. Pro military conservatives?? I thought ALL Conservatives were pretty much pro military…

    The VFW screwed the pooch, and I am hoping that MANY members bid them farewell…


  2. I’m well aware of who VoteVets are…I’ve blogged about those miserable SOBS…but where’s the evidence of that? I know Wolf at Black Five asked the question: “VFW Infiltrated by VoteVets?”, and that’s a good assumption to go on, but I haven’t seen it verified, anywhere, have you? I may have missed it.


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