Video: Judge Napalitano Digs Into Spamgate On The Glenn Beck Show

The judge is hot on the case, and the fear mongering Andrew Breitbart provides him with sinister conspiracy theories galore:

Key quote from Breitbart:

People are starting to realize that Barack Obama has two tricks…he’s mellifluous, he speaks well, and he uses the teleprompter, and on his behalf he has people that intimidate and community organize….that’s it – he has no other trick.

4 thoughts on “Video: Judge Napalitano Digs Into Spamgate On The Glenn Beck Show

  1. I have seen worthless people in my day…but this administration beats them all. I’ll steal some words from Harry Reid. This administration …they are all evil-mongers!!


  2. Pingback: Why Obama Is Losing The Trust of The American People « Nice Deb

  3. The white house is controlling my actions by broadcasting messages through the fillings in my teeth. Make them stop!


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