Why Obama Is Losing The Trust of The American People


Rassmussen reports today that 54% of the American people say no health care reform at all would be better than passing the bill making its way through congress.  Yet, the Dems plan to “go it alone” on ObamaCare, without a shred of Republican support. That should surprise no one. What is rather surprising is the self- destructive way the Obama administration has been going about selling his plan.  Jana at Speak Dog Speak! listed some of the Obama tactics that are backfiring: name calling of fellow Americans who voice dissent, stacking town hall meetings with bused in supporters, White House spamming Americans with email propaganda, the snitch site, mobilizing SEIU and ACORN mobs, and I would add the administration’s corrupt  relationship with the drug lobby, the demonization of doctors, and his relentless repetition of demonstrable lies about ObamaCare, while claiming that the opposition needs a “realitycheck”. I think it’s safe to say the bloom is coming off the rose.

But with all due respect to Jana, I do think it’s a little premature to say that ObamaCare is going down in flames. The Dems still have solid majorities in congress and a very determined President who says he’s is willing to be a one termer in order to get this done. But his tactics are raising eyebrows, and causing some to question his psychological make-up:

When a President repeatedly makes assertions that are obviously false, he has created a problem for himself that, to us, looks nearly unrecoverable. Breaking trust with a vast number of the American people while looking stupid doing so is a formula for disaster. As the Washington Post has reported, President Obama won’t stop repeating the same falsehood over and over again. Obama says:

“I keep on saying this but somehow folks aren’t listening: If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan”

Obama’s statement might be true for the nanosecond after Obamacare becomes law, but at its heart is obviously and deeply untrue.

Everybody knows that the public plan would force people from their private plans to the government run plan. Who is he trying to kid? What kind of person is comfortable with trying to deceive Americans on such an important topic?

It should speak volumes that Michelle Malkin was able to write a 400+ page book about the corruption in the Obama administration after only six months.

People are waking up to the fact that Obama is not the moderate, well intentioned, post partisan, post-racial Messiah he was billed to be,  and he has a somewhat limited bag of tricks.  As Andrew Breitbart told Judge Napalitano on the Glenn Beck Show, yesterday:

People are starting to realize that Barack Obama has two tricks…he’s mellifluous, he speaks well, and he uses the teleprompter, and on his behalf he has people that intimidate and community organize….that’s it – he has no other trick.

You have to be willfully blind at this point not to see it.

46 thoughts on “Why Obama Is Losing The Trust of The American People

  1. “Everybody knows that the public plan would force people from their private plans to the government run plan. Who is he trying to kid?”

    I couldn’t believe my eyes as I was reading this statement, but I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised. The reason that health care reform is losing traction with some of the American people is precisely because of blatant lies such as this one. I don’t know if you’re lying intentionally, or just parroting the remarks of someone who works for the insurance industry. Either way, it doesn’t matter, because the effect is the same. You’re purveying falsehoods here because you have a dishonest agenda. There’s no other way to explain this irrational compulsion to ignore the truth and willfully spread lies.

    Anybody who is interested in getting some facts about the health care reform can visit the link below. If you don’t want to do that, visit PolitiFact.com or FactCheck.org to find out exactly who is lying to whom. Of course, that assumes that any of you have any interest in the facts at all, which I doubt after reading this blog.

    Time to focus on the truth, not the liars.


  2. >>I couldn’t believe my eyes as I was reading this statement, but I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Why, do you have trust issues with your eyes?

    >>The reason that health care reform is losing traction with some of the American people is precisely because of blatant lies such as this one.

    Er, no Chuckles. The reason that healthcare reform is losing traction with the American people is because most people understand when they are being sold a crap sandwich. I say most because apparently you can’t.

    >>I don’t know if you’re lying intentionally, or just parroting the remarks of someone who works for the insurance industry.

    Said the troll using Team Obama talking points. Unintended irony can be a beyotch.

    >>You’re purveying falsehoods here because you have a dishonest agenda. There’s no other way to explain this irrational compulsion to ignore the truth and willfully spread lies.

    Will there is another explanation but you’re not going to like it. Here goes, you have no idea what you are talking about. I know, it stings.

    >>Anybody who is interested in getting some facts about the health care reform can visit the link below.

    I don’t want to do that.

    If you don’t want to do that, visit PolitiFact.com or FactCheck.org to find out exactly who is lying to whom.

    Oh, ok. Let’s go t FactCheck.org.

    >>>>President Obama has repeatedly said that under the health care overhaul efforts in Congress, “if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan.” But he can’t make that promise to everyone.

    ■In fact, under the House bill, some employers might have to modify plans after a five-year grace period if they don’t meet minimum benefits standards.

    ■Furthermore, some firms are likely to buy different coverage for their workers than they have now, or simply drop coverage and pay a penalty instead, leaving workers to buy their own private coverage or go on a new federal insurance plan.


    Here’s a free tip in debating 101, don’t give a source to bolster your argument that actually confirms what your opponent is saying.

    Furthermore, it doesn’t require a degree in rocket surgery to understand that if the government (that would be your tax dollars and mine, I’m betting significantly more of mine) subsidizes a program and said program does not have to make a profit, in fact can lose money just like the *cough* post office does every freaking year because they can just come back to the well (our pockets) for more cash, they have a significant cost advantage over a similar private company. As a part owner of a small business faced with the choice of paying for a private health insruance plan for my people or a significantly cheaper public one, take a good hard guess which one I’m picking.

    Thank you, come again.


  3. johnrj08,

    All a thinking person has to do is think through the results of the “voluntary” public plan.

    Speaking for myself, the conclusion I fore see is that insurance companies will not run a non profit and will fail trying to compete with the government who is not required to make a profit. Like wise, companies that provide health insurance will not pay anymore than they have to (profit motive again) and will stop providing health insurance so those folks also go on the public plan. Especially if it incurs more taxation.

    Now my father, a disabled veteran of Vietnam, has a lot of experience with government provided health care. Decisions based on costs are already being made that deny folks of needed health care. Why should I believe the government will change established government practice as 300 million people will be depending on the government for health care?

    I won’t belabor the point of inefficient government programs like social security, medicare, medicaid, USPS, etc. The government track record is not at all good.

    I hope this helps you john, in understanding “the other side”.

    I do think health care does need some work, since the uninsured do receive health care and others pay for it through local taxes and higher insurance premiums. But the current bill aint the way, friend.


  4. I guess I was wrong about one thing:

    “Everybody knows that the public plan would force people from their private plans to the government run plan. Who is he trying to kid?”

    Apparently everyone doesn’t know.


  5. Unfortunately, my brother has chosen not to read any blogs. This is the problem. He has no idea of the “Culture of Corruption” (as Michele Malkin’s book is so aptly titled) surrounding Obama and his thugs.

    Wish I could clue him in, but he wouldn’t read it.

    How deeply he has his head in the sand…what a shame!


  6. christinewjc, i feel your pain. but don’t worry… your brother’s head will pop out of the sand just in time to see them coming after him.

    he will feel your pain then also.


  7. John, you do understand, that the ultimate goal, over time, as many of these Dems have admitted, including Obama, (who can be seen on tape saying so), is a single payer health care system?

    Obama, himself, has never stated that his thinking has evolved on this issue. He has insisted that his prior words were taken out of context.

    But I’m the dishonest one?


  8. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant the left is about basic economics and how our country actually works. They keep talking about a public plan as if it’s some magically beast, like say a unicorn, that dispenses goodness and punishes evil.

    When I heard Obama start with his post office versus Fed Ex analogy I was stunned. Can he really be this stupid or does he just think we are?

    Here’s another little fun fact about Obamacare. The current proposal from the House exempts unions from having to pay taxes on their health plans like us average folk would have to. The plan wouldn’t go into affect until 2013. Leaving aside the blatant hypocrisy of Obama hammering McCain during the election for proposing taxing health plans, understand what this means to labor. They have 4 years to tell people “hey, sign up with the union and save on your taxes”.

    With the death of Employee Free Choice (aka card Check) this is a great back door union recruiting tool and money funnel to the donks.

    Did I mention how much I dislike liberals?


  9. A real nest of snakes here. Oy. The public option is an option. Period. And relatively few people will even qualify for it. This is a classic Tempest in a Teapot. What happens in five year if we don’t have serious health care reform is an economy that is in even worse condition than we have today. Nobody who gets their medical coverage from their employer is guaranteed to have the same plan in perpetuity. NOBODY. Insisting that Obama’s plan has to guarantee this is just another way of saying you’ll never agree with any reform bill.


  10. >>A real nest of snakes here. Oy.

    Aww. You come in here and insult the host and then are surprised when you get smacked around? File a hate crimes report.

    >>The public option is an option. Period.

    Not yet it’s not. And it’s getting closed to flatline everday.

    >>And relatively few people will even qualify for it.

    Oy yourself. Do you have the foggiest idea what you are talking about?

    >>What happens in five year if we don’t have serious health care reform is an economy that is in even worse condition than we have today

    Dude, I know stawmen and that one is so overstuffed it’s gonna pop. Who exactly is saying the healthcare system doesn’t need an overhaul? Nobody. Just because we don’t like the liberal garbage that Obama is trying to shove down our throats doesn’t mean we don’t recognize the issues. Obama’s plan for healthcare wouldn’t even work as well as his stimulus. Why double down on stupid?

    >>Nobody who gets their medical coverage from their employer is guaranteed to have the same plan in perpetuity. NOBODY

    Well, no. I employ me. I decide on my plan. And I’m SOMEBODY.

    >>Insisting that Obama’s plan has to guarantee this is just another way of saying you’ll never agree with any reform bill.

    Where you deprived of oxygen as a child? Your logic, if I can bend the word enough to include your droppings, is inane. You gotta bring more to the table to make this even a challenge.

    Call us racists or something just to let us know you care.


  11. You probably shouldn’t try to speak for us.

    I could support health care reform that doesn’t involve additional government control of our lives.

    Like this Republican plan that of course doesn’t have a chance with the big government Statists in charge, right now:


    Republican Study Committee has introduced legislation to positively reform our health system. The Empower Patients First Act relies on the principle that, by increasing patients’ control over their health decisions, we will make coverage more affordable, accessible and responsive, while offering more choices and the highest-quality care.

    The bill seeks to achieve universal coverage by ensuring there is no financial reason to go without health insurance. By offering responsible tax incentives, patients will be empowered to purchase the care that best fits their needs.

    The legislation also moves ownership of health plans from a third party to patients. When insurers are forced to be responsive to individuals, we will see the industry move to a more patient-centered model we should all seek.

    Further, the bill provides for robust pooling mechanisms so patients may unite with the purchasing power of millions. This will lower costs for Americans while ensuring those with pre-existing conditions have a market in which to purchase affordable care.

    As cost continues to be a sticking point in reform, the Empower Patients First Act tackles other drivers of health costs by breaking down barriers that outlaw the purchase of health care across state lines and by providing meaningful liability reform. With the creation of new health courts that take into consideration the expert opinions of medical specialty societies — those who actually know what caring for patients is like — we will see a dramatic drop in the costly practice of defensive medicine.

    Finally, with federal deficits spiraling out of control, our legislation is paid for. By requiring a 1 percent annual step-down in discretionary spending, plus other efficiencies, we tell Americans that providing access to quality, affordable health care should be a priority in our budget, not just one more thing added to the deficit.

    While the president will no doubt continue to put up straw men whom he can finger as promoting the status quo, it is important to appreciate that real, positive reform will take place only if we can have an honest dialogue.

    You might want to heed that part about “strawmen”, yourself.


  12. NiceDeb, just exactly how do any of the proposals in the Congress attempt to wrest control of your life from you? Where exactly does it say that you have to give up your insurance plan or your doctor? Where does it say that the government would dictate coverages the way that HMOs are doing today?

    I agree with the need for tort reform and removing barriers to purchasing across state-lines. But I do not see any provisions in the health care proposals that would take any choices away from me or anybody else.


  13. John, I’ll try one more time, even though you insulted me and my friends when I treated you and your comments with respect.

    The current insurances will not exist in the future because the “voluntary public option” will become the only option.

    I suggest you read an economics book that has been written by a capitalist so you can better understand why the government will run everyone else out of the healthcare business with their artificial pricing.


  14. just exactly how do any of the proposals in the Congress attempt to wrest control of your life from you?

    Good grief, if you can’t see on your own how a government run health care system, (which is the ultimate goal, here) would wrest control from an individual’s life, I’m not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you because you are beyond help.

    If you believe in tort reform, you should bring that up to the House Democrats because they rejected the House Republican’s tort reform proposals, because they’re beholden to the trial lawyer lobby.

    I believe every American has a right to access health care. I don’t believe it’s the government’s job to provide it.


  15. Michelle Malkin can also write a book on her Corruption, she like those who look like her, helped in all the Moral Corruption this Country has to muster.




  16. Just came back from JohnJr’s site. What a waste of time. He believes that he’s a noble crusader fighting the disinformation on conservative sites, and is recommending that libs spam conservative sites with their talking points.

    So basically your classic confused, amoral lib.


  17. I don’t know what it takes to wake up some of obama’s blind voters . Fortunately I spoke to someone today who voted for him and now has some regrets. I suppose anyone who voted for obama would recognize a phoney. Right? Michele Malkin?


  18. I didn’t read his whole post, because it was making me cross-eyed.

    If you ask him about any of his talking points, he pretty much just restates them. Well, I suppose you could tell that just by reading this thread. He also had the gall to complain about being insulted here.


  19. Now you’re making me feel guilty for having seconds.

    You can pay me back. Go visit Rutherford Lawson’s. Its a target-rich environment right now. I was actually told not to get all constitutional on them, because he was sure that it was covered in there somewhere. It is astounding to me wht they are willing to simply concede to government without even asking basic questions…


  20. geoff, you’re an angry guy who sounds like he’s gone off his meds. By the way, I don’t recall “complaining” about being insulted here. It was an observation. I have found that insults are the primary method of communication of most people participating on blogs that oppose health care reform. By the way, saying that you support an obscure and totally unworkable Republican proposal that wouldn’t have reformed anything and that will never see the light day isn’t exactly being pro-reform. Looking through your posts here, geoff, and the belligerent comments you’ve tried to post on my blog, I see that you actually contribute nothing to the discussion other than drum-beating and sabre-rattling. Just so you know, for every one of you who visits my blog and makes hostile comments, 20 other visitors are in total lock-step with me on this issue. Maybe that’s one of the reasons you’re so upset. In any case, I don’t think I’ll be approving any more of your wild swings, nor will I stick around here and listen to any more of this unbelievable crap. Hopefully, a year from now, health care reform will be a fact and the country will be emerging from the recession. Even so, I’m sure you will still find plenty to whine about.


  21. Go visit Rutherford Lawson’s.

    All right – I went and addressed the four points raised by Weiner. Now we’re even.

    geoff, you’re an angry guy…blah, blah, blah

    And you continue to not make a single valid point. Not one. Actually that’s not fair of me – you didn’t even try, except for your misstatements on the public option.

    But anyway, good luck with your holy mission.


  22. Wow, Geoff, your comments over there were actually pretty tame. Man, libs can’t handle dissent at all, can they?

    I mean, johnrj08 started off here by calling me a liar, and I let him stay.


  23. Personally, I think that every one should be spamming about this issue, especially targeting the conservative blogs where most of the disinformation is taking root.

    Personally, I think choosing to repeat the official untruths force-fed to me in every other electronic medium is repulsive. I come to places like this for respite from newspeak droned on by the leg-tingle medium ad nauseum. I know he told you to get in my face; I’m telling you that if you presume to fill a space with talking points that is wonderfully devoid of them, you have no right to claim surprise when you get poked in the nose.
    You assume I don’t understand what you have to say. This is false. I understand what you are saying, and I reject it.

    There are so many liars out there who seem to be driven by something other than the facts about health care reform.

    You mean the offical “facts” aren’t enough?
    We have Medicare and Medicaid, two healthcare programs run by the government at the taxpayer’s expense, both of which are headed to bankruptcy, with massive losses due to fraud (60 Billion in Medicare alone), and fee for services deternmined by the government, not by the providers, which means that those of us with coverage pay higher rates to subsidize these already failing programs, and the government says they want to do even more in this arena? Not on my life, which is what it amounts to once the inevitable shortages and rationing comes.

    Perhaps its anger that we have a black man sitting in the White House. As many commentators are saying now, this debate isn’t about health care reform. It’s about President Obama.

    Perhaps there is genuine anger over the overt and tacit accusations of racism whenever someone disagrees with the stated goals of this administration. For eight years under Bush (who I was not a big fan of, BTW), all we heard was dissent is patriotic, and that seemed to cover some of the vilest, most hate-filled stuff out there. Now, dissent no longer is patriotic, but it is racist? The double standard isn’t good enough, you have to level a charge you can NEVER prove? Maybe you should drop the pretense and just say “SHUT UP!”

    That’s why we have Michelle Malkin blogs, and people screaming in the faces of their elected representatives who are trying to dispel all the rumors and untruths.

    Now you’re just pantsing yourself for the whole world to see. Malkin’s blog has been around a whole lot longer than the eight months of His Hopeychangeyness’ tenure. As for the people screaming in the faces of their elected officials, perhaps it is the complete and utter committment to vote for legislation that comes with a cost guaranteed to enslave not just our children, but our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, despite the fact that we say no, and despite the fact that these elected officials have no Consitutional authority for these grand undertakings with other people’s money, and suddenly, it doesn’t seem to be quite so unreasonable.


  24. “Medicine is the keystone to the arch of socialism.”

    Vladimir Lenin

    What do you think, John? Was Lenin a right wing disinformation machine?

    Are you ever going to let facts and evidence, actual statements by the people you claim don’t want a single payer system contradicting everything you say to bring you around? Or are you going to bitterly cling to ignorance?

    Your choice. But remember, ignorance can be cured by acquiring knowledge. Stupid on the other hand is a life time sentence.


  25. Wow, Geoff, your comments over there were actually pretty tame. Man, libs can’t handle dissent at all, can they?

    I didn’t insult him that much over here, either. Even Malky had a thicker skin.

    I don’t think JJr08 has much experience in blogging. I think he truly thought that by seeding conservative blogs with his shallow and usually evasive talking points, he would manage to cure the US of its opposition to Obamacare.


  26. Son of a gun, I suppose I insulted him by presenting a different view? Sheesh!

    I’m seeing some of my far left aquantences launching political attacks or ridicule straight off HuffPoop etc. on facebook now.

    I’m gonna have to get some wet naps for the computer screen. It’s gonna get nasty.


  27. The idea that you would actually cite Michelle Malkin’s book here as if it is some kind of journalistic achievement is breath-taking. Malkin’s book is full of lies and half-truths. The woman has built her career on outrageous lies.

    The video of Obama here which shows him speaking out in favor of a “universal, singler-payer” health care plan was made during the presidential campaign, and it conflicts with nothing he has said since on that subject. Everybody knows that Obama has always be for single-payer. And they also know that he has said it would be far too disruptive to jump right into that kind of system from one we have now. On top of that, it would probably be next to impossible to get such a reform bill out of Congress. So, what the president is now “promoting” is NOT a single-payer plan. You’re making a huge issue out of your own intentional mischaracterization of what the president has said on this issue. Pure, unadulterated sophistry.


  28. Hi John, which ones are the lies in Malkin’s book? Since I have not read it, I would like to know.

    Please use actual facts and not some blurb from a media matters affiliated web site. We thinking people already know George Soros hates the United States of American and is using our fellow citizens to destroy this country.


  29. Here is just one example of Malkin’s routine reliance on half-truths and outright lies:

    In her book, Malkin states categorically that Michelle Obama “was literally born into the Chicago political corruptocracy,” suggesting that because her father was a volunteer precinct captain and held a city job, she had to be a party to cronyism and embraced the practice to get ahead. In fact, the biography of Michelle Obama that Malkin herself cites in making this dubious statement argued the exact opposite– that the first lady’s experience in the “powerful political machine” of Richard J. Daley made her and her family “extremely cynical about politics and politicians” until they met Barack Obama. Obama’s political career was pushed in part by a coalition of people who had grown up in opposition to Daley and whose goal was breaking the Machine. Of course, you’ll never read that in a book written by Michelle Malkin.

    The fact is that Michelle Obama’s father, Frank Robinson, worked as a “Precinct Captain” because he had no other choice. The majority of people serving as precinct captains did so because their paying jobs depended on it. Robinson, whom Malkin fails to mention suffered with MS, had a family to raise and he did what the political machine demanded. Malkin’s hatchet job conveniently ignores the fact that doing “volunteer” work in Chicago was, in fact, the only way you could get and keep a city job. Anybody who knows anything about the Daley era in Chicago knows this.

    Michelle Malkin’s personal attacks on Michelle Obama are just one example of the kind of innuendo and guilt-by-association tactics that we haven’t seen since the McCarthy era. (OK, we saw some of it in the McCain campaign, too). Every other aspect of this book deals with the subject matter in the same dishonest manner. Anybody who reads a book written by this woman who doesn’t think they’re reading pure propaganda is mentally deficient.


  30. The video of Obama here which shows him speaking out in favor of a “universal, singler-payer” health care plan was made during the presidential campaign, and it conflicts with nothing he has said since on that subject.

    This proves it. You’re hopeless. Either, you’re either too soft in the head to know when you’re being lied to, or you think your lame excuses for Obama can succeed in convincing us, I don’t know…I’m not a psychologist. But it’s obvious from that clip that he holds single payer as the ultimate goal for the country. And fyi, that tape wasn’t made during the campaign.


  31. Gee John,

    Did you read the Malkin book? Or are you taking someone elses (George Soros minions) word on it? Like wise, did you also read the biography you cite and read others to properly research your proof above? Or is that from the same web sites.

    Malkin is not a favorite of mine so please don’t take me as an apologist for her. What you say may be true.

    I just want to make sure you are making decisions about your life based on real facts. Not on something posted on some web site, that is funded by someone who hates the United States and wants to bring it down so he can make lots of money on his investments.

    You see John, I’m not trying to make you look foolish, nor am I concerned about being right all the time. I am concerned about you as a human being and want to make sure you are thinking for your self. Unless you want someone else making your choices for you. Which is cool too, I suppose, since this is still a free country. I just think your innate talents may not ever be fully realized with government making choices for you.

    However, if you are the government and are content to be a member of the liberal ruling class, then I can understand why you respond the way you do to honest debate. And I know you are indeed a true believer.

    So take care and have a great weekend!


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