New Ad: Barney Frank And The Sub-Prime Disaster

This is a campaign ad that needed to be made:

“Betrayed Our Trust” needs to air on MA  TV and radio stations from now until November 2nd, but funds are needed in order to do that:… —DONATE AT LINK at left to put ad on air. Please help us put this ad on the air to voters who can retire him from the House of Representatives once and for all. Massachusetts is one of only 15 states that does not permit early voting. So this ad can influence every single voter right up to Nov 2nd!

BARNEY FRANK IS ON THE ROPES. His lead has dwindled into single digits against a very strong opponent, Marine and businessman Sean Bielat. Yet polls show many voters in his district are not aware of his pivotal role in the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the collapse of the U.S. housing market which resulted. Thousands of his constituents need to know how Frank systematically blocked reform of Fannie and Freddie that led to financial losses or foreclosure for their families or neighbors.

Ad created by Big Sky Group LLC.

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit, who has more on Frank’s role in the financial meltdown.