Checkmate: Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Al Sharpton On National TV (Video)

It’s really really unfortunate that race baiting moron Al (Resist we much) Sharpton forced Bill O’Reilly to humiliate him like this on national TV.  It almost seemed unnecessary. Not that it’s hard to beat a playa whose  game is so weak , the only card he has to play comes from the bottom of the deck – every. single. damn. time.

Who could have seen this coming? Bill O’Reilly recently criticized sky-rocketing food stamp usage, and some of the parasites who are taking advantage of the program – highlighting a young, healthy, unemployed (and not looking) surfer-dude, who was leeching off the government.

He said: “This guy’s a parasite and my contention is that the Obama Administration is encouraging parasites to come out and, you know, take as much as they can with no remorse. […] This is how a country declines.”
Who can disagree with that?
Well, there’s a reason PMSMBC is floundering in last place in the cable news ratings. This is a network that expects its audience to take a race-baiting fraud like the “Reverend Al” seriously.

Al Sharpton distorted the comments and accused O’Reilly of  “attacking the poor” on his low-rated, barely watched MSNBC show.

O’Reilly punched back hard, Thursday night, saying, Sharpton is “not telling the truth once again.”

And here’s his devastating check-mate via Fox News Insider:

“He’s been portraying me as a racist and a brutalizer of the poor. A few years ago Sharpton told me that his charity in Harlem, New York was out of money and that it could not provide Christmas presents and Christmas dinners to hundreds of poor people in Harlem. So I gave Sharpton a $25,000 dollar donation to provide the gifts and the food. I never mentioned it because it wasn’t necessary to mention it. But now it it – to prove exactly  what kind of person Al Sharpton is.”

Wow, Is Al Sharpton  a devious, double-dealing dirtbag  or what? 

Well played, O’Reilly.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

3 thoughts on “Checkmate: Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Al Sharpton On National TV (Video)

  1. give him hell Bill He deserves a lot more than a few harsh words. I was living near Duke University when this scum bag and all his circus performers came to town. Did not work out quiet the way he wanted it This was the second event that this a++hole tried to stir up and made him look like a black dumba++


  2. It’s called gratitude B’ore, but coming up in the news business from the New York area, as you have , you’ve known what sharpton has been for years decades . Too bad anytime you had him in the studio as a guest, you decided to play footsie with him under the table rather than take him to task on any given issue.

    Gratitude indeed Bill. It usually comes down to “what have you done for me lately”. The thug who takes your lunch money once, always comes back for another withdrawal. B’ore you really shouldn’t play nice with bullies or racist. . . .what they spew always comes back and soils everyone around them. tsk-tsk! You do remember Tawana Brawley and Steven Pagones, no?


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