When Is C-Span Going To Apologize For Using An 8/28 Crowd Shot For Its One Nation Promo?

I have to admit – when I first saw the reports about this from TCOTers on Twitter, Saturday, I thought it was just a false rumor run amok. Surely not, I thought. Why? There were thousands of people in attendance at the One Nation rally, and they could have used a decent crowd shot  without resorting to deception.

But Jim Hoft’s keen eyes don’t lie. C-SPAN did indeed crop this Reuters photo from the Glenn Beck rally for their promo.

I understand that file photos are sometimes used for promos that are created before the event happens…but really C-SPAN? You used a picture from the much larger Glenn Beck rally for this anti-Glenn Beck, anti-tea party, bussed in, paid for, astroturf crowd?

You used a crowd picture from the Glenn Beck rally to promote an event whose expressed goal… was to surpass the Glenn Beck rally in numbers? Are you friggin’ kidding me?

C-SPAN needs to admit it screwed up, and issue an apology for using an 8/28 rally photo for the anti-tea party, Glenn Beck-phobic One Nation rally.


5 thoughts on “When Is C-Span Going To Apologize For Using An 8/28 Crowd Shot For Its One Nation Promo?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention When Is C-Span Going To Apologize For Using An 8/28 Crowd Shot For Its One Nation Promo? « Nice Deb -- Topsy.com

  2. If you don’t see large packs of people wearing the same color t shirt than you are not looking at Saturday’s rally. They were in packs. Large groups of purple, green, red, blue and I think there even was a yellow crowd as well.


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